
NOISE (last edited: 2018)


About this exposition

NOISE A SONIC CHOREOGRAPHY WITH LIVE COMPOSING Series of performance pieces. Each one is the result of a site-specific creation and research laboratory. The creation laboratories are focused on a specific city or location and on its inhabitants. The first version of NOISE was created and executed in the city of Kitakyushu, Fukuoka prefecture, Japan. VOL.1 NOISE - KITAKYUSHU NOISE is an approach and a perception of a city, neighbourhood, town or area through the sounds that the space itself and its inhabitants generate. From this sound material, movement and body perceptions are generated. They will later be developed to create the choreographic piece. The composition in real time is organised through the language of Soundpainting. The entire soundpainting encoding is used to extract, analyse, dissect and sort all the sound and visual material that can be found in the apparent chaos of metropolitan and natural spaces.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsperformance, landscape, dance, soundpainting, live composition, music, deep listening, creation, social dimension, City noise, nature
last modified08/06/2018
statusin progress
share statuspublic
licenseAll rights reserved


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