
Habitable Exomusics (2020)

Jacob Anderskov

About this exposition

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: “The project examines post tonal material structuring principles in improvised music.
 It deals with (searches for) unexploited opportunities or new forms of expressions within improvised music through studies of possible ways to organize the musical material - and with relevant practical and creative ways to find room for them in improvised music.” Original RESEARCH QUESTION: Through my own artistic practice, I will examine -  To which extent it is possible for me to use definable post tonal structuring principles in my improvisations, and 
-  Which of these principles can best be used in my improvisational universe. 

typeresearch exposition
keywordsImprovisation, music, methodology, compostion, performance, structure, recording, RMC staff
last modified03/07/2020
share statusprivate
affiliationRhythmic Music Conservatory, Copenhagen, & “Kulturministeriets pulje for Kunstnerisk Udviklingsvirksomhed” (Danish Cultural Ministry’s fund for Artistic Research), 2014-2015.
copyrightJacob Anderskov
licenseAll rights reserved
published inRhythmic Music Conservatory, Copenhagen
portal issue1. Staff Publications 2020
connected toRhythmic Music Conservatory, Copenhagen
external linkhttp://jacobanderskov.dk/?page_id=468


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