
Metamorphosis - Ethics and Aesthetics are One - from a Neuroscientific Perspective (last edited: 2024)

Erika Matsunami

About this exposition

Wittgenstein's "Ethics and Aesthetics are one" is the starting point of this research. "In the Notebooks, Wittgenstein states that 'the world and life are one', so perhaps the following can be said. Just as the aesthetic object is the single thing seen as if it were a whole world, so the ethical object, or life, is the multiplicity of the world seen as a single object". (Diané Collinson, The British Journal of Aesthetics, Volume 25, Issue 3, SUMMER 1985, pages 266-272) Art transcends boundaries of race, nationality and gender. It is a creative act of unifying in the context of humanity, from the subject to the various topics, by asking questions. This point is the lack of "reality" (dealing with reality) from a sociological perspective. But it is impossible to define humanity and reality based on sociological statistics alone–is my perspective of Wittgenstein's "Ethics and Aesthetics are one". Thereby, I examine 'world and life' from the 21st century perspective.
typeresearch exposition
keywordstransversality, interface, interact, post-conceptual, assemblage, spatiality, randomness, environment, coexistence
last modified16/07/2024
statusin progress
share statuspublic
copyrightErika Matsunami
licenseCC BY-NC-ND

Simple Media

id name copyright license
2926541 IMG_4429_Erika Matsunami Erika Matsunami CC BY-NC-ND
2927541 frOnt windOw retinal autOmata Joseph Nechvatal CC BY-NC-ND
2927575 rite Of spring (2005) Joseph Nechvatal CC BY-NC-ND
2928126 B.O.D.Y.-Frauenmuseum2011-02 - copy Erika Matsunami/VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, Germany CC BY-NC-ND
2928128 B.O.D.Y.-Frauenmuseum2011-01 - copy Erika Matsunami/VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, Germany CC BY-NC-ND
2928138 A series of series_silberhalogenide_01 b_01_2017 - copy Erika Matsunami CC BY-NC-ND
2928141 Performance-BODY-Minotauros_Frauenmuseum2011 - copy Erika Matsunami/VG Bild-Kunst Bonn, Germany CC BY-NC-ND
2928143 B.O.D.Y._Performace_Trace_2012 - copy Erika Matsunami / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, Germany, 2012 CC BY-NC-ND
2928154 Flusso_B.O.D.Y._01 Rudy Orlandini CC BY-NC-ND
2928156 Flusso_B.O.D.Y._02 Rudy Orlandini CC BY-NC-ND
2936614 Flusso_B.O.D.Y. - Piece of Glass_2024 Erika Matsunami&Rudy Orlandini CC BY-NC-ND

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