
Motivic Development - A Tool For Improvisation (2024)

August Estberg
no media files associated
open exposition

About this exposition

In this thesis I explore motivic development to see what effect it has on my improvisation. This exposition will summarize the studies I have done at the NoCoM master program at the Academy of Music and Drama in Gothenburg, Sweden. I will present my reflections, ideas, audio clips and experiments. The work is divided into two main parts where the first one will describe the process of how I work with the eight different techniques to develop motives. The second part is the investigation of how I use motivic development as a foundation to improvise and compose. My conclusion is that motivic development can bring direction, structure and my personal sound into my improvisations. It is a great way for me to set up rules and limitations to make it easier for the listener to follow my intension. Author: August Estberg Supervisor: Senior Lecturer Thomas Markusson Examiner: Professor Anders Hagberg
typeresearch exposition
last modified02/07/2024
share statusprivate
copyrightaugust estberg
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
published inResearch Catalogue

Simple Media

id name copyright license
2785239 IMG_0105 august estberg All rights reserved
2790218 Sketches 2 august Estberg All rights reserved
2790255 RC-Background august Estberg All rights reserved
2798057 Sketches 3 august estberg All rights reserved
2798062 Motive august estberg All rights reserved
2798078 Motive august estberg All rights reserved
2798088 Repetition exact august estberg All rights reserved
2798091 Repetition transposed august estberg All rights reserved
2798095 Repetition variation august estberg All rights reserved
2798130 Interval Exp august estberg All rights reserved
2798134 Interval contraction august estberg All rights reserved
2798142 Rhytmic diminution august estberg All rights reserved
2798148 Rhytmic augmentation august estberg All rights reserved
2798152 Rhytmic imitation august estberg All rights reserved
2798158 Fragmentation august estberg All rights reserved
2798162 Dicplacement august estberg All rights reserved
2798169 Inversion august estberg All rights reserved
2798177 Rhytmic retrograde august estberg All rights reserved
2798544 melodic retrograde august estberg All rights reserved
2798548 melodic å rytmic retrograde august estberg All rights reserved
2803046 IMG_0191 august estberg All rights reserved
2803051 Doc - 2024-05-13 - 10-52 august estberg All rights reserved
2803053 Doc - 2024-05-13 - 10-52 august estberg All rights reserved
2803060 Doc - 2024-05-13 - 10-52 august estberg All rights reserved
2803062 Picture august estberg All rights reserved
2804177 Doc - 2024-05-13 - 10-52 august estberg All rights reserved
2804181 Background august estberg All rights reserved
2805373 Sketches 4 august estberg All rights reserved
2805460 Repetition, transposed and variation. august estberg All rights reserved
2805464 Repetition, transposed and variation. 2 august estberg All rights reserved
2805471 Repetition, transposed august estberg All rights reserved
2805475 Repetition exact august estberg All rights reserved
2805479 Repetition, melodic variation august estberg All rights reserved
2807934 Retrograde 11 august estberg All rights reserved
2807938 inversion 11 august estberg All rights reserved
2807960 Retrograde 22 august estberg All rights reserved
2807965 retrograde 33 august estberg All rights reserved
2807970 inversion 22 august estberg All rights reserved
2807981 Interval expansion august estberg All rights reserved
2807991 Interval expansion 2 august estberg All rights reserved
2807998 Interval expansion:contraction august estberg All rights reserved
2808009 Interval pattern august estberg All rights reserved
2808243 rhythmic aug august estberg All rights reserved
2808251 rhythmic dim august estberg All rights reserved
2808307 rhythmic imii 1 august estberg All rights reserved
2808310 rhythmic imii august estberg All rights reserved
2808391 1a fragment august estberg All rights reserved
2808394 2a fragment august estberg All rights reserved
2808397 3a fragment august estberg All rights reserved
2808400 4a fragment august estberg All rights reserved
2808603 Displacement 1 august estberg All rights reserved
2808609 Displacement 2 august estberg All rights reserved
2808631 Displacement 2!!! august estberg All rights reserved
2809044 Form 2 august estberg All rights reserved
2809049 Form 3 august estberg All rights reserved
2809055 IMG_8554 august estberg All rights reserved
2810038 melodic taste august estberg All rights reserved
2810047 melodic oleo august estberg All rights reserved
2810056 melodic nowhere august estberg All rights reserved
2810072 Linje 19 1 august estberg All rights reserved
2810083 The Taste Of Spring With A Smell Of Dogshit august estberg All rights reserved
2810100 Taste of Spring With a Smell of Doghis - Score august estberg All rights reserved
2810119 In Motion 1 august estberg All rights reserved
2810123 Doc - 2024-01-29 - 21-00 august estberg All rights reserved
2813723 3a fragment august estberg All rights reserved
2814180 IMG_0194 august estberg All rights reserved
2814190 IMG_0195 august estberg All rights reserved
2814194 IMG_0196 august estberg All rights reserved
2814202 IMG_0197 august estberg All rights reserved
2814206 IMG_0198 august estberg All rights reserved
2814209 IMG_0199 august estberg All rights reserved
2814215 IMG_0200 august estberg All rights reserved
2814217 IMG_0201 august estberg All rights reserved
2814404 Repetition, exact august estberg All rights reserved
2814415 rutmretro august estberg All rights reserved
2864990 background? august estberg All rights reserved
2864993 background? august estberg All rights reserved

comments: 9 (last entry by Thomas Markusson - 16/05/2024 at 08:33)
Thomas Markusson 16/05/2024 at 07:58

I bakgrunden;


Sista stycket på sidan behöver du formulera om. Svårt att förstå vad du menar. Lägg också till lite blankrader så att texten inte hamnar precis i nederkanten av sidan. Det upplevs avhugget och det är lite svårt att läsa. 

Thomas Markusson 16/05/2024 at 08:02

"So, my intension was to get a basic knowledge about one of the techniques at the time was to create a structured toolbox for myself."

Formulera om. Svårt att förstå. 

Thomas Markusson 16/05/2024 at 08:04

Samma med metod-kapitlet, några blankrader så att texten inte hamnar precis längst ner på sidan. 

Thomas Markusson 16/05/2024 at 08:13

"rhythmic patter backwards"

Saknas ett n. 

Thomas Markusson 16/05/2024 at 08:20

"If I wanted to play longer phrases, I can use a part of the phrase and develop it as a motive on its own, using fragmentation"

Olika tempusformer. 

Thomas Markusson 16/05/2024 at 08:22

Kolla "fragmentation"-stycket. Det är olika tempusformer. Se över hela stycket och justera så att det stämmer överens. 

Thomas Markusson 16/05/2024 at 08:27

"I was searching for a way connect and stay close to the composed material that I like in the composition."





Thomas Markusson 16/05/2024 at 08:31

De personer du refererar till, Nachmanovic, Bruun, Holmqvist samt komposiörer vars musik du kollar is. Se om du kan lägga in hyperlänkar till dessa personers hemsidor eller likande. Det vore fint för tyngden i arbetet att det enkelt går att klicka sig vidare om läsaren vill kolla in. 

Thomas Markusson 16/05/2024 at 08:33

Det är ett väldigt fint arbete! Intressant att läsa och lyssna.


Nu är det enbart resultatkapitlet kvar. Där ska du svara på dina frågor. Försök vara tydlig i dina svar och om du behöver uteckla något ytterligare lägger du till en reflektionsdel sist. 



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