The video comprises recorded extracts from a recent Ecology of Relation, a term used for describing a form of live practising together – or of being-in-touch – through which Cocker and Wendel explore ways for bringing-into-relation the unfolding and embodied processes of drawing and languaging as sensitive fields of perception and cooperation. Within an Ecology of Relation, different practices of drawing and voicing become activated through heightened attunement to the interrelation of different bodies, forces and agencies – both human and more-than-human – within the contingent process of shared exploration. Specifically, through the meeting of different performative practices, this enquiry attempts to attend to and make tangible the appearance and immanent materiality of an emergent drawing in touch with a moving body, whilst searching for a mode of linguistic articulation capable of operating in fidelity to that experience, to the emerging phenomenon (of drawing). The tentative framework of an Ecology of Relation is conceived in hope of creating conditions for inviting or calling forth that which could not be anticipated in advance, holding a space-time open for the possibility of the unknown or unexpected. What might emerge as a physical embodiment in space (as drawing) or audibly through language (as voicing), through attending to the presently perceived moment, through sensitivity, receptivity and deep listening to the silence, to what is already there? This shared enquiry explores the mutually constitutive relation between drawing and voiced language – how does each support the emergence of the other, moreover, what else might emerge in the spaces in-between? Language becoming drawing becoming language becoming…. How is the relation and influence between drawing/language: beyond following and leading, towards a quality of simultaneity, the kairotic co-emergence of naming and the named.