
if the soil speaks (last edited: 2024)

Rym Hayouni

About this exposition

ارض حريه كرامه وطنيه land, freedom، collective dignity a slogan that has been with me for a long time, since the revolutionary moment in Tunisia in 2010, when we raised it in the protests, wrote it on the walls, banners that we held high, we sang and shouted it, it recurred in our writings, in our conversations, in our dreams of the sovereignty and independence of our lands. today I see, we see, houses bombed, falling down, turned into dust, piles of stones, dirt. the land carries it all, embraces the decay and transforms it. Down there, other times lie, invisible, suspended from the narratives of control and structures of oppression that dominate the realm above. in the past semester, perhaps even years, I have turned my attention to the interstices in cities that have been created, or rather overrun, by the political programming of urban spaces. They have become areas that have no specific function, no specific production value, no active role in the web of trajectories, signals, instructions, restrictions, power relations... they are just there immanent I like to go there, to step aside from the flow of traffic, to stand in the in-between corners that people hardly look at. I am always wandering, wondering how I can inhabit them, reconvert them, activate their performative potential, claim other times and relations that neutralise or reverse the dominant narratives around me. I took the act of strolling as a ritual, a method. I looked and all I found was dirt, soil, biomass, decaying debris, stones inhabited by microscopic organisms, a complex stratum composed of various "others". everything felt connected and embedded in itself. robert smithson wrote in an article: "the city gives the illusion that the earth does not exist. but what I saw was a symbiosis of things we often see as separate, they grow, they evolve, they shift as a one, a network of self-organising systems. There's no master, no slave. I saw in the land a biosphere highly charged with inter-independent times, stories, histories, memories, dreams, identities, homes, belonging, roots... they are all there, traces of our past, inherited from our ancestors, and of our present, which we define ourselves. monday, half past nine, the air is slightly aggressive, my hands are cold, I am collecting soil in this area behind the railway. I haven't broken any laws I promise, I haven't jumped any barriers, I've just been following the side of the canal. I don't really choose where I stop, the ground calls me, I respond. I walked to the back of this area that has no title, I found a small door hidden behind the herbs. It opened onto a cemetery, beautiful and quiet. I remembered Michel Faucault and his concept of heterotopia, which also fascinated me during the first semester. he described them as spaces absolutely other, the city's sacred and immortal wind. I saw in the in-between spaces of the city what I call heterotopias, a land for altered human and non-human relations, friday, february is almost over. spring is shyly approaching, I could see and touch it as I bent down to collect some earth. today I had an encounter with a microscopic, translucent creature. I've observed so much autonomy and self-sufficiency through it. vivieros de castro, a brazilian anthropologist interested in the amazonian cosmologies and amerindian perspectivism (the way in which humans, animals, and spirits see both themselves and one another, an idea that suggests a redefinition of the classical categories of « nature », « culture », « super nature » based on the concept of perspective). said in one of his lectures: "the experience that each 'self' has of the 'other' can, however, be radically different from the experience that the 'other' has of its own appearance and practices." -- Lecture 1, p. 51 it seems to me that when we turn our gaze to our other, non-human selves, who perceive reality from a different perspective, within a very different temporality, we learn so much about how the world is of relative semblances, for example, what is solid earth to us is airy sky to the beings who inhabit the strata below us, and what is airy sky to us is solid earth to those who inhabit the strata above us. it is a world of relative semblances, where different kinds of beings see the same things differently. in the last few years, before coming to the Netherlands, i've been volunteering on organic farms, dynamising the soil, collecting and redistributing biomass, planting wild forests... this has taught me a lot about how what happens in the soil can influence what happens above it, in terms of self-organising structures, symbiosis and, above all, solidarity. these last few months have also taught me that solidarity comes with love, it's hard to relate to the feeling without having love as a drive.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsgeological, political, poetic, soil, scenography, artistic research
last modified30/05/2024
statusin progress
share statuspublic
affiliationExpanded scenographics
copyrightrym hayouni
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
external linkhttps://scenography.archivedpractices.com

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id name copyright license
2681539 IMG_2636 rymhayouni All rights reserved
2681542 IMG_2637 rymhayouni All rights reserved
2681546 IMG_2484 rymhayouni All rights reserved
2681550 IMG_2488 rymhayouni All rights reserved
2681564 IMG_2639 rymhayouni All rights reserved
2681575 IMG_2639 rymhayouni All rights reserved
2681753 moss in sandysoil (noordwijk) rh All rights reserved
2681830 humidsand (noordwijk) rh All rights reserved
2681849 dunesand (noordwijk) rh All rights reserved
2681855 soil mixed with biomass (noordwijk) rh All rights reserved
2681874 muddy soil rh All rights reserved
2681899 underwater mudd (boederij de meent) rh All rights reserved
2681913 soil left on the side of the pottage (boederij de meent) rh All rights reserved
2681922 soil for the collective garden (boederij de meent) rh All rights reserved
2681931 soil for the collective garden 2 (boederij de meent) rh All rights reserved
2681938 dirt from the pathway leading to the mudd island rh All rights reserved
2681948 bi-materials rh All rights reserved
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2682030 tree roots popping out of the ground (park frankendael) rh All rights reserved
2682037 moss grew on a brick (park frankendael) rh All rights reserved
2682043 stuff on the ground (park frankendael) rh All rights reserved
2682055 soil for garden (park frankendael) rh All rights reserved
2682081 stones from side-trucks (utrecht) rh All rights reserved
2682086 soil with dirt (utrecht) rh All rights reserved
2682089 pile of branches in soil (utrecht) rh All rights reserved
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2702176 land earthpreservationproject All rights reserved
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