
A Collective Cycling Body Of Sound (2024)

Bianca Ludewig, Magdalena Scheicher, Conny Zenk

About this exposition

Conny Zenk (Center Research Focus, PhD candidate PhD in Art), Bianca Ludewig (researcher and journalist) and Magdalena Scheicher (researcher) are interested in taking not only unusual paths but also using vehicles in different ways. In their contribution "A Collective Cycling Body Of Sound", they reflect on the bicycle as a medium for art and sound and present activist strategies of collective cycling to open up queer-feminist, solidarity-based perspectives on the city. In doing so, they explore the possibilities of public space as a sound space and discuss insights from Zenk’s activist practice. Inviting Ludewig and Scheicher for interviews, Zenk discusses bikefeminism and counterpublics, and approaches soundrides as a form of empowerment.
typeresearch exposition
last modified26/06/2024
share statusprivate
copyrightConny Zenk, Bianca Ludewig, Magdalena Scheicher
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
published inUniversity of Applied Arts Vienna
portal issue02. reposition Journal of reflective Positions in Art and Research


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