
Postcolonial Fandango: Interdisciplinarity between Early Music, Ethnomusicology and Postcolonial Studies (last edited: 2024)

Camilo Arias
no media files associated
open exposition

About this exposition

The musical label of "Latin American Baroque" has been associated with musical cross-breeding, allthough the body of its repertorie (music from colonial archives) documents rather the absence of afro-hispanic or hispanic-amerindian musical features. By accepting the impossibility to find the written the exoticized "Mestizo Baroque", this research chooses to "re-imagine it" from orality. Taking the Fandango musical family as a framework, it enters into playful dialogues between the XVIII century European fandango and its surviving folklore counterparts: the Mexican Son Huasteco and the Colombo-Venezuelan Joropo. Through analysis and transcription of oral sources, style comparison, arrangement, and improvisation research aims to create a musical product that resolves the identity tensions present in the Performance of Colonial Baroque Music.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsFandango, 18th century, historically informed performance, Folk, Crossover, Postcolonial Studies, postcolonial/decolonial theories, ethnomusicology, identity
last modified02/01/2024
statusin progress
share statuspublic
licenseCC BY-NC-ND

Simple Media

id name copyright license
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2466425 example Baroque Fandango Camilo Arias All rights reserved
2466426 example el fandanguito Camilo Arias All rights reserved
2466427 example seis por derecho Camilo Arias All rights reserved
2466428 example seis corrido Camilo Arias All rights reserved
2466278 europe blake DETAIL reserved All rights reserved
2466371 the global reach image none Public domain
2466372 el mar imagen none Public domain
2466370 saval none Public domain
2466335 Slave trade triangle public Public domain
2466339 flotas-de-indias-ruta-de-las-indias-occidentales public Public domain
2466337 fandango indiano 2 public Public domain
2466380 fandango murcia none Public domain
2466381 fotonoticia_20190213182351_420 none Public domain
2466382 murallas-1 none Public domain
2466383 la habana none Public domain
2466394 11_mesonero_romanos_grabado_el_baile_de_candil_1851_s none Public domain
2466438 Fandango-chasselat - copy public Public domain
2466439 jota aragonesa - copy https://www.heraldo.es/noticias/aragon/zaragoza/fiestas-del-pilar/2016/10/09/la-joven-cantera-jota-aragonesa-reivindica-mozart-1103574-2261129.html All rights reserved
2466282 Figure 1 reserved All rights reserved
2466359 Galel Rabel reserved All rights reserved
2466360 New corelli portrait public Public domain
2466395 imperio espanol none Public domain
2466365 verdiales foto reserved All rights reserved
2466344 Captura de pantalla 2023-02-07 a las 20.53.35 reserved Public domain
2466345 Camperos public Public domain
2466378 Camperos-de-Valles-BW-Con-el-violinista-Heliodoro-Copado public Public domain
2466379 Heliodoro2 public Public domain
2466285 la pasion reserved All rights reserved
2466356 Captura de pantalla 2023-02-16 a las 15.21.45 none Public domain
2466386 Tierce coules copado none Public domain
2466389 rubato 1 none Public domain
2466390 rubato 2 none Public domain
2466284 SFW40512 reserved All rights reserved
2466331 Captura de pantalla 2022-12-05 a las 10.18.01 public All rights reserved
2466375 MAURITSHUIS none Public domain
2466376 Frans Hals (1580 - 1666), 'Portrait of Daniel van Aken', 1630 none Public domain
2466398 french bow none Public domain
2466399 Baroque_bow_Violin_German_French_c_1680_3 none Public domain
2466400 Monroy french none Public domain
2466373 poster jpeg.001 reserved All rights reserved
2466377 Fandango reserved All rights reserved
2466434 812_2790 Alex Schröder All rights reserved
2466435 812_2842 Alex Schröder All rights reserved
2466324 18870675.jpg-r_1920_1080-f_jpg-q_x-xxyxx public All rights reserved
2466325 imagen_2022-12-05_095154489 public All rights reserved
2466279 Guitarron+Chileno+04 reserved All rights reserved
2466280 galel11 reserved All rights reserved
2466281 Fandango-chasselat public Public domain
2466283 jota aragonesa https://www.heraldo.es/noticias/aragon/zaragoza/fiestas-del-pilar/2016/10/09/la-joven-cantera-jota-aragonesa-reivindica-mozart-1103574-2261129.html All rights reserved
2466286 small comparison-table reserved All rights reserved
2466287 Heliodoro 1 free Public domain
2466288 imagen_2022-11-23_123724305 reserved All rights reserved
2466289 imagen_2022-11-23_123903926 reserved All rights reserved
2466290 LCVkm reserved All rights reserved
2466291 imagen_2022-11-23_124143679 reserved All rights reserved
2466292 LCVdwf reserved All rights reserved
2466293 rabel png reserved All rights reserved
2466294 rabel png reserved All rights reserved
2466295 Pancho-Astorga-768x513 reserved All rights reserved
2466296 Figure 1 public All rights reserved
2466297 jota aragonesa reserved All rights reserved
2466312 1200-1200-100877340_wMeWAD-png reserved All rights reserved
2466313 imagen_2022-12-04_203122040 reserved All rights reserved
2466314 imagen_2022-12-04_204204937 public All rights reserved
2466315 imagen_2022-12-04_204430875 public Public domain
2466316 imagen_2022-12-04_205203496 public All rights reserved
2466317 imagen_2022-12-04_205318336 public All rights reserved
2466318 imagen_2022-12-04_222256525 public All rights reserved
2466319 imagen_2022-12-05_084926694 public All rights reserved
2466320 imagen_2022-12-05_085036279 public All rights reserved
2466321 imagen_2022-12-05_085105555 public All rights reserved
2466322 1200-1200-100877340_wMeWAD-png reserved All rights reserved
2466323 the-mission-1024x687 public All rights reserved
2466326 imagen_2022-12-05_095925458 public All rights reserved
2466327 bow italian public All rights reserved
2466328 bow french public All rights reserved
2466332 bow french public All rights reserved
2466333 Triangle_trade2 public Public domain
2466334 triangular_trade_map public Public domain
2466336 fandango indiano 2 public Public domain
2466338 fandango indiano 2 public Public domain
2466340 flotas-de-indias-ruta-de-las-indias-occidentales none Public domain
2466348 Example meter reserved All rights reserved
2466353 Captura de pantalla 2023-02-16 a las 14.05.49 none Public domain
2466354 Captura de pantalla 2023-02-16 a las 15.14.53 none Public domain
2466355 Captura de pantalla 2023-02-16 a las 15.14.53 none Public domain
2466357 812_2884 reserved Public domain
2466358 812_2884 reserved All rights reserved
2466362 Ornaments Galel Galel Sanchez All rights reserved
2466364 Baile de Candil by Ramón de Mesonero Romanos (1803-1882), public Public domain
2466366 Pedro_de_Gante public Public domain
2466367 812_2842-2 Reserved All rights reserved
2466368 812_2833-2 none All rights reserved
2466369 Puerta verde Reserved All rights reserved
2466374 corrette none Public domain
2466385 Captura de Pantalla 2023-04-28 a las 23.29.58 none Public domain
2466387 rubato bar 1 none Public domain
2466388 Rubato bar 2 none Public domain
2466391 El llorar (Sanchez) none Public domain
2466437 Pedro_de_Gante Camilo Arias Public domain
2466429 Sesquialtera 1 Camilo Arias All rights reserved
2466430 sesquialter joropo Camilo Arias All rights reserved
2466433 ricochet Camilo Arias All rights reserved
2466436 golpe corrido free Public domain
2466402 camperos presumida clip none Public domain
2466404 Monroy peroformance none Public domain
2466406 Vídeo el 29-4-23 a las 19.43 none Public domain
2466307 boccherinifb clip1 free Public domain
2466308 Vídeo el 8-5-22 a las 14.14 free Public domain
2466309 Example 1 with score Reserved All rights reserved
2466310 Example 1 with score final Reserved CC BY-NC-ND
2466341 Vídeo el 7-2-23 a las 13.24 free Public domain
2466342 wbos Reserved Public domain
2466343 wbos Reserved Public domain
2466401 CAMPEROS DE VALLES - LA PRESUMIDA none Public domain
2466431 Joropo ssquialtera 2 Camilo Arias All rights reserved
2466432 impro ricochhet Camilo Arias All rights reserved
2466301 IMSLP300609-PMLP11877-Soler_-_Fandango_per_a_clave none All rights reserved
2466363 Ritornellos_El_dia_en_que_paco_porras reserved Public domain
2466352 Example_1_(exact_notation) reserved All rights reserved
2466361 Example 2 baroque notation reserved All rights reserved
2466393 "El Llorar" Sanchez reserved All rights reserved
2466409 Prelude Camilo Arias Public domain
2466410 Boccherini_Guitar_Quintet_in_D_3rd_Movement_Fandango public Public domain
2466411 Score.-Boccherini Fandango 08.09.FINAL Camilo Arias Public domain
2466412 Strumming Camilo Arias Public domain
2466350 El_Fandanguito_Jorge_Monroy reserved All rights reserved
2466396 boccherini vl1 none Public domain
2466302 D. Scarlatti Fandango (attr.) none Public domain
2466397 style comparissomn none All rights reserved
2466349 Example meter reserved All rights reserved
2466351 EPARM example 2 reserved All rights reserved
2466408 EPARM-Example-1 Camilo Arias Public domain
2466403 Bow chapter 1 none Public domain
2466405 struming notation none Public domain
2466414 Cadencias Camilo Arias Public domain
2466415 Fandango_y_Pajarillo_REC_Claudio Camilo Arias Public domain
2466416 Fandango y pajarillo Camilo Arias Public domain
2466418 Fandango_y_Pajarillo_REC_Yussif Camilo Arias All rights reserved
2466298 Score.-Boccherini Fandango 08.09.FINAL reserved All rights reserved
2466299 Score Herrando (v.5) reserved All rights reserved
2466300 El_Fandanguito_Jorge_Monroy pdf reserved All rights reserved
2466303 boccherini vl1 none Public domain
2466304 H.Copado-Example_1_(exact_notation) reserved All rights reserved
2466305 H.Copado-Example_1_(exact_notation) reserved All rights reserved
2466306 El_Fandanguito_Jorge_Monroy pdf reserved All rights reserved
2466329 galel reserved All rights reserved
2466330 bow chapter reserved All rights reserved
2466346 El Fandanguito Monroy reserved All rights reserved
2466347 El_Fandanguito_Jorge_Monroy reserved All rights reserved
2466384 IMSLP300609-PMLP11877-Soler_-_Fandango_per_a_clave none Public domain
2466392 Sanchez El Llorar reserved All rights reserved
2466407 Example 1 recording version Camilo Arias Public domain
2466417 Fandango_y_Pajarillo_REC_Hugo Camilo Arias All rights reserved
2466413 1 Cantaclaro - prelude Camilo Arias Public domain
2466420 2 Cantaclaro - Fandango Camilo Arias All rights reserved
2466421 3 Cantaclaro - Cadences Camilo Arias All rights reserved
2466422 4 Cantaclaro pajarillo Horacio "Cholo" Valderrama All rights reserved
2466423 5 Camilo Fandango coda Camilo Arias All rights reserved
2466424 Suite Cantaclaro Camilo Arias All rights reserved
2466311 Song 2.Tk1 free All rights reserved
2466419 2 Cantaclaro - Fandango Camilo Arias All rights reserved

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