
The Truth in Painting 1993: A New World Order? (last edited: 2024)

Martin Lang

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1993 was the year that NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement) was signed and the Maastricht Treaty came into full effect, effectively establishing the European Union. Viewers might wonder if these two trade deals were connected, co-ordinated even, or purely coincidental. Benazir Bhutto was re-elected Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1993, bringing neoliberalism to the region. She would be later assassinated by al-Qaeda on the same day she met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai (27 December 2007). There is no evidence to suggest that Bhutto’s election in 1993 was connected to the NAFTA and Maastricht deals, but there is little doubt that Bhutto was a casualty of the War on Terror. The more conspiratorial viewer might note that the war, which began with an attack on a symbol of global free trade (The World Trade Center is the only international organisation dealing with the global rules of trade), provided cover that allowed NAFTA and EU nations to secure access to natural resources in Afghanistan and Iraq. In 1993, Bhutto set about transforming the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) from socialism to neoliberalism. While studying Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford in the mid to late 1970s Bhutto was an active Conservative. This experience, coupled with her self-imposed exile to Britain in the mid-1980s, convinced her that Thatcherite economics were the future for Pakistan. Bhutto’s government was swiftly embroiled in several corruption scandals and in 1996 President Farooq Leghari dismissed Bhutto. Several international criminal investigations followed. Pervez Musharraf, the military leader of Pakistan (2001-2008), became a useful ally in the War on Terror, but Britain and America ditched their support for him and dropped their corruption charges against Bhutto, allowing her to return to Pakistan to participate in the 2008 election. Could it be that the installation of Bhutto and Karzai was part of a greater plan for a New World Order dating back to 1993?
typeresearch exposition
last modified01/01/2024
statusin progress
share statuspublic
copyrightMartin Lang
licenseAll rights reserved


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