
Why I Paint Thousands of Circles (2024)

Leanna Moran

About this exposition

Why I paint Thousands of Circles explores psychological barriers and multilayered themes that stem from a single horrific event that involved Moran’s father and his brother. The artist collates information, photos and constructs an ar(t)chaeological archive where family photos, product imagery, together with newspaper clips to form units of a historical and psychological mind map. The exposition becomes an auto-ethnographical exploration of mid 90's working class North West London. The repetitive painting process, exposed and documented in the exposition, functions as transformative method, where ambiguous feelings of a violent upbringing are directed towards the creation of a visual system with an inherent logic – “creating some kind of beauty out of ugliness.”

Why I paint Thousands of Circles utforskar psykologiska barriärer och mångskiktade teman som härrör från en enda fruktansvärd händelse som involverade Morans far och hans bror. Konstnären samlar information, foton och konstruerar ett ar(t)keologiskt arkiv där familjefoton, produktbilder, tillsammans med tidningsklipp bildar enheter i en historisk och psykologisk mindmap. Utställningen blir en autoetnografisk utforskning av nordvästra Londons arbetarklass under mitten av 90-talet. Den repetitiva måleriprocessen, exponerad och dokumenterad i expositionen, fungerar som en transformativ metod där tvetydiga känslor för en våldsam uppväxt riktas mot skapandet av ett visuellt system med en inneboende logik – "att skapa någon form av skönhet av fulhet."
typeresearch exposition
keywordsart, artistic research, crime, criminology, Painting, Trauma; Memory;, trauma, archive
last modified05/11/2024
share statusprivate
affiliationGoldsmiths University, London
copyrightLeanna Moran
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
published inVIS - Nordic Journal for Artistic Research
portal issue12. VIS Issue 12
external linkhttps://www.leannamoran.com


comments: 1 (last entry by Leanna Moran - 01/12/2023 at 01:24)
Leanna Moran 01/12/2023 at 01:24

I must apologise,


I did not include references within my submission, its my hope that this does not negatively effect the outcome.


Thanks so much for your time.

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