
Empty Space (2024)

Barbora Haplova

About this exposition

This artistic post-master research explores interpretational possibilities of empty space. Combining literary and graphic creative work with documentary, personal and research background, the e-book asks a question how can we find connections between individual occurrences of empty space. Through bilingual essays, visual essays, and practical exercises, this work proposes the following perspectives: empty space as a mode of attention; nuanced individual interpretations of empty space as missing, coming together, not being, disappearing; empty space as a field designed to be filled; and the non-definition of empty space as accepting the unknowability of its possibilities.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsemptiness, negative space, missing, graphic design, graphic novel, artist books, empty space, void, individual reflection, forgetting, Japanese visual culture
last modified24/04/2024
share statusprivate
affiliationVysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová v Praze
copyrightBarbora Haplová
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
published inUMPRUM - Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design Prague
portal issue1. Expositions by staff and students 2024


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