
The space we are in (2024)

Sergio Sánchez Perera

About this exposition

As musicians, we work in a variety of different spaces, some of which are unfamiliar and with their own dynamics. But in order to be as productive as possible, we have internalized the notion that, particularly as performers, we must keep our personal and professional lives apart. In my personal case, after moving to the Netherlands to begin my master's program and finding myself without a place to live, I became aware of how much this circumstance affected my playing. Despite the initial negative impact of the situation, I was able to see potential for an artistic endeavor, leading me to embark on the creation of an interdisciplinary piece titled "The space we are in" – a composition for amplified viola, tape, and video – in an attempt to materialize the feelings and thoughts surrounding my personal situation. In this study, I documented each stage of the artistic development process, alongside an analysis exploring the philosophical and psychological connotations of the concept of space, and contrasting it with the idea of place. Additionally, I delved into intriguing concepts such as Kathleen Coessens' artistic web of practice and examined various artistic works where the interaction with space plays a significant role. While working on this project, I discovered a specific interaction with my environment that not only helped me adjust to my new living situation but also –and this is something that I hope to share with the readers of this research– increased my sensitivity and helped me comprehend my artistic vision.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsinterdisciplinarity, creativity process, creative practice research, collaboration, Beyond Discipline
last modified02/07/2024
share statusprivate
copyrightSergio Sánchez Perera
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
published inKC Research Portal
portal issue1. Master Research Projects

Simple Media

id name copyright license
2380053 Video 2 Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2386605 Wall Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2386634 Introduction (1) Sergio S Perera All rights reserved
2386635 0002 Sergio S Perera All rights reserved
2386636 0001 Sergio S Perera All rights reserved
2386767 Tape 1 Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2387181 memo irregular note blank Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2388353 Page 2 Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2388356 Page 3 Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2398213 Post-it Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2398256 Introduction Sergio S Perera All rights reserved
2398257 0002 Sergio S Perera All rights reserved
2398258 0001 Sergio S Perera All rights reserved
2398425 Page 4 Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2399486 planos Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2400134 A room with views Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2400474 Experiment (01): Waves Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2400917 Experiment (02): Waking up Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2400989 Expermient (02): Waking up Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2401060 Installation 2 Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2401100 Installation 1 Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2401192 My bed tracey emin Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2401417 Intro + First part Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2401458 Intro + First part Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2401650 Experiment(03) Glass light Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2609619 corte-contadero-1 https://piedeplano.com/planos-arquitectonicos/ All rights reserved
2609894 Planta_replanteo_cotas_parciales https://www.decoracion.com.uy/3401/como-dibujar-el-plano-de-una-habitacion/ All rights reserved
2610092 planos-distribucion-5a-a https://www.hola.com/decoracion/galeria/20220207203867/planos-pisos-claves-distribucion-decoracion-interiores-am/2/ All rights reserved
2610468 planos-distribucion-5a-b https://www.hola.com/decoracion/galeria/20220207203867/planos-pisos-claves-distribucion-decoracion-interiores-am/2/ All rights reserved
2610472 planos-distribucion-5a-b https://www.hola.com/decoracion/galeria/20220207203867/planos-pisos-claves-distribucion-decoracion-interiores-am/2/ All rights reserved
2610816 planos-distribucion-3a-a https://www.hola.com/decoracion/galeria/20220207203867/planos-pisos-claves-distribucion-decoracion-interiores-am/6/ All rights reserved
2611326 planos-distribucion-7a-a https://www.hola.com/decoracion/galeria/20220207203867/planos-pisos-claves-distribucion-decoracion-interiores-am/6/ All rights reserved
2611339 planos-distribucion-7a-a https://www.hola.com/decoracion/galeria/20220207203867/planos-pisos-claves-distribucion-decoracion-interiores-am/6/ All rights reserved
2611413 plano-de-casa-2-habitaciones https://academiadediseno.com/plano-de-casa-con-medidas/ All rights reserved
2611490 planos-distribucion-7a-b https://www.hola.com/decoracion/galeria/20220207203867/planos-pisos-claves-distribucion-decoracion-interiores-am/6/ All rights reserved
2611491 planos-distribucion-7a-b https://www.hola.com/decoracion/galeria/20220207203867/planos-pisos-claves-distribucion-decoracion-interiores-am/6/ All rights reserved
2611949 Plano a Pinterest All rights reserved
2613589 teatro Jose Luis Monzalvo All rights reserved
2615334 Exp. swanging trees Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2615527 Exp. Lake Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2615764 IMG-20230522-WA0009 Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2615863 Woolf cover Penguin Books New Zealand All rights reserved
2615879 Captura de pantalla 2024-02-28 185737 Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2615902 Captura de pantalla 2 Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2615945 Captura de pantalla 3 Yannis Kyriakides All rights reserved
2616004 IMG_20221211_202513_edit_204861232380198 Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2616139 Captura de pantalla 4 Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2616197 final design Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2616352 vardagen-cooks-knife-dark-grey__0710384_pe727512_s5 IKEA All rights reserved
2616373 knife IKEA All rights reserved
2616427 Captura de pantalla 5 Kathleen Coessens All rights reserved
2616509 Water walk https://historia-arte.com/obras/water-walk All rights reserved
2616590 llorenc barber Joaquín Cortes/Roman Lorés, 2020 All rights reserved
2616628 Captura de pantalla 6 Kathleen Coessens All rights reserved
2616671 space-place-meaning @gapingvoyd All rights reserved
2616731 John Cage _Water walk_ Youtube Channel: Nave for Eva. 2015 All rights reserved
2616821 Kurhaus and birds_000007 Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2616850 The dance of the birds Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2617757 First part with text Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2617786 First part with text Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2617804 First part with text Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2617813 The Space We Are In Juan Montero Palma All rights reserved
2623881 John Cage - 4'33 (David Tudor) Ukrainian Live Classic All rights reserved
2623892 John Cage. Water Music Sämusic All rights reserved
2623894 John Cage. Water Music Sämusic All rights reserved
2623928 Concierto de Campanas (City Concert) La nave de Tharsis. August 5,2016 All rights reserved
2624157 First part with text Sergio S. Perera All rights reserved
2624160 First part with text Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2624317 Captura de pantalla 7 Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2624320 Captura de pantalla 8 Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2624322 Captura de pantalla 9 Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2624342 Harmonics piece Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2624345 Haagse Bosch Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2624355 Captura de pantalla 10 Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2624361 Pizzicato beginning Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2624386 Pizzicato with nails Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2624423 bmc-performance Reproduced courtesy of TDR/MIT Press. All rights reserved
2624474 Pizzicato phalanx Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved
2916284 Note blank page Sergio Sánchez Perera All rights reserved

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