
Engaging the Audience: a Matter beyond Music? (2024)

Gustavo Abela Cruz

About this exposition

Despite knowing that music and emotions have a lot to do with each other, sometimes it is hard to articulate which relationship they have. Since the emotional impact seems to be one of the biggest appeals for an audience, do we, the musicians (specifically the performers), pay and draw enough attention to it? After reviewing the relevant literature about the processing of emotions, I came across the philosophical approaches of emotions in and through music by Peter Kivy, Jerrold Levinson, and Stephen Davies, proposals that could serve as inspirations for an audience and for performers. Then, I decided to carry out a series of experimental sessions to test the impact of these three approaches, as well as the performer's role, and components that could also affect a performance, such as set-ups, musical manipulations, or what I have called 'extramusical' items or elements. In addition to my research question “How can a performer affect or manipulate the emotional engagement of an audience?”, I sought to explore another inquiry. Is engaging more with the public nowadays strictly a musical matter?
typeresearch exposition
keywordsEmotions, Audience, Engagement
last modified12/06/2024
share statusprivate
copyrightGustavo Abela
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
published inKC Research Portal
portal issue1. Master Research Projects


  • Abela, Gustavo, Las Ventajas De (Malaga, 2003)


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