
Matters of collectivity through embodied practices (last edited: 2025)

Marisa Godoy, Eirini Sourgiadaki

About this exposition

This exposition is a shared space for output try-outs, reflections, documentation, conversations, references, intriguing things, and what one is learning. The environment where this material grew was the MA Transdisciplinarity Studies in the Arts at ZHdK during the project week and lab 'Matters of Collectivity through embodied practices' in the autumn term 2023/2024.
typeresearch exposition
keywordstransdisciplinarity, embodied practices, movement, co-authorship, collectivity
last modified23/01/2025
statusin progress
share statuspublic
copyrightMTR LAB 7 participants
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
languageBritish English


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