
Dorsal Practices — Towards a Back-Oriented Being-in-the-World (last edited: 2024)

Emma Cocker, Katrina Brown
no media files associated
open exposition

About this exposition

This exposition forms part of a journal article, Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker, 'Dorsal Practices — Towards a Back-Oriented Being-in-the-World’, in Tara Page (ed.) With–In Bodies: Research Assemblages of the Sensory and the Embodied, Special Issue of Humanities 2024, 13, 63. https://doi.org/10.3390/h13020063 The article itself can be found here - https://www.mdpi.com/2076-0787/13/2/63</span>
typeresearch exposition
keywordsdorsality;, embodied practice, choreography, language-based artistic research, listening, conversation, experimental reading, collaboration
last modified15/06/2024
statusin progress
share statuspublic
copyrightKatrina Brown and Emma Cocker
licenseCC BY-NC-ND

Simple Media

id name copyright license
2320500 Performance reading 25 June 2022 - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320506 24052021EC_Backwards - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320510 KB back 1 25052021 - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320513 KB 2 back 24052021 - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320515 EC 2 back 24052021 - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320521 12072021_DistillationNoticingAttractionPART1 - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320523 12072021-DistillationPART 2 - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320525 PART 3 12072021 distillation and attraction - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320542 12072021EtymologyKBPART1 - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320544 12072021etymologyEC_PART1 - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320546 12072021EtymologyKBPART2 - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320547 12072021EtymologyKBPART2 - copy - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320549 12072021EtymologyKBPART1 - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320551 12072021etymologyEC_PART1 - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320553 12072021EtymologyKBPART2 - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320554 12072021EtymologyKBPART2 - copy - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320558 12072021EtymologyKBPART2 - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320559 12072021EtymologyKBPART2 - copy - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320560 12072021EtymologyKBPART2 - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320561 12072021EtymologyKBPART2 - copy - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320578 12072021EtymologyKBPART2 - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved
2320579 12072021EtymologyKBPART2 - copy - copy Katrina Brown and Emma Cocker All rights reserved

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