
NetGenXYZ - The End of the Technological Drift (last edited: 2023)

Christian Schwarz

About this exposition

Thesis of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, 2023 Interfaculty of ArtScience (BA) 'There are days where I am no more than my digital self, and no matter how much I might resist my own digitalization, there seems to be no escape from the oppressive, non-democratic grip technology has on me. The flowing sea of unpredictable consequences might soon be narrowing to a rapid stream of discrete existences, living happily ever after in what will be called “lossless” compression.'
typeresearch exposition
keywordsdigitalisation, technological progress, speculative fiction
last modified28/06/2023
statusin progress
share statuspublic
affiliationRoyal Academy of Art, The Hague
copyrightChristian Schwarz
licenseAll rights reserved

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