This text unfolds some salient aspects of the author's enquiry into the in-between, starting with the question of inter-musician intersubjectivity, and leading further towards a more general reflection on what may be found by shifting the scrutiny of analysis from posited objects and categories towards the spaces around and in-between them. The text constitutes a narrative broadly along the lines of the author's questions and partial discoveries, arising from an interplay of duo DJ co-musicianship associated with a theoretical exploration. The enquiry builds on Bernard Stiegler's notion of epiphylogenesis, that is, exteriorisation of knowledge into a technological milieu, and opens a horizon towards an immaterial exteriorisation, with shared imagination as a focal point of interest. From there, the text discusses how co-imagination might be mobilised as a part of artistic research apparatus, as a gesture of revealing ineffable qualities that are present in the in-between.