
Auctor incertus: Issues of authorship and anonymity around Missa Inviolata (ca. 1520s) (2024)

Isaac Alonso de Molina

About this exposition

A six-part polyphonic setting of the ordinary of the Mass survives as a unicum in manuscript 1967 of the Biblioteca Central de Barcelona, Spain. Although it is clearly the most significant piece in the manuscript, it has received considerably less attention from specialized ensembles than the rest of the repertoire contained therein. This may be due to several factors, chief among them being that the manuscript provides no indication of the composer’s identity. Such anonymity is quite common when dealing with early repertoires. This research aims to address this situation critically and offer several practical, performer-oriented strategies to overcome it.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsAuthorship, unkown author, Research by teachers of the Royal Conservatoire, spanish music, polyphony
last modified01/08/2024
share statusshared in portal(s):
affiliationRoyal Conservatoire The Hague
copyrightIsaac Alonso de Molina
licenseAll rights reserved
published inKC Research Portal
portal issue1. Master Research Projects

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id name copyright license
2095412 ANNEX 1 - Critical edition of Missa Inviolata (rev. 2024) Isaac Alonso de Molina All rights reserved
2095419 ANNEX 2 - Thematic analysis of Josquin's motet Inviolata Isaac Alonso de Molina All rights reserved
2095423 ANNEX 3 - Transcription of sequence Inviolata, integra et casta es Isaac Alonso de Molina All rights reserved
2095424 ANNEX 4 - Transcription of responsory Gaude Maria Virgo Isaac Alonso de Molina All rights reserved
2095425 ANNEX 5 - Canonic study on the sequence Inviolata Isaac Alonso de Molina All rights reserved
2095426 ANNEX 6 - Two-part composition on Pleni sunt Isaac Alonso de Molina All rights reserved
2095427 ANNEX 7 - Six-part composition on Hosanna Isaac Alonso de Molina All rights reserved
2095429 ANNEX 8 - Program notes for the Festival de Música Antigua de Úbeda y Baeza (Spain) Isaac Alonso de Molina All rights reserved


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