
Musical Psycho Performance (2024)

Gianmarco Moneti

About this exposition

Although I love attending traditional classical music concerts, I have long felt that they missed certain aspects that would make them more relatable to the inner world of the audience. In this research exposition, I argue that this missing aspect is a social element and I guide the reader through a possible application of social themes to a classical music concert. On a formal level, I use the techniques of psychodrama – a form of group therapy – as a tool from which I borrow some fundamental concepts, along with the conception of characters, to understand how social themes can be addressed in a context in which multiple people connect to the same object. In this case, the object of common interest is the representation on stage. On a substantial level, I draw upon material I collected in my interviews with Clara Scarafia to study a social theme she has been directly involved with: suicide. The two levels are brought together in my pilot session, where I experiment through a sample of the complete performance I am designing and an audience questionnaire how psychodrama and the interview interact and influence one another. The goal is to show that the classical repertoire, with its complex emotional kaleidoscope and non-verbal language, can easily bear a social theme and enhance the collective reflection of relevant themes in our times.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsBeyond Discipline, socially engaged art, Performance art
last modified05/06/2024
share statuspublic
copyrightAll rights reserved
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
published inKC Research Portal
portal issue1. Master Research Projects

Simple Media

id name copyright license
1910526 Immagine 2023-01-18 184340 all rights reserved Public domain
1910574 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved Public domain
1910577 Schubert 2 mvt all rights reserved Public domain
2401202 DSC_7445 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2401328 moreno Jacob Levi Moreno All rights reserved
2514777 Monologo Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2514865 [en-GB] [sub] Monologo Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2514883 [en-US] [sub] domande del musicista Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2516190 [en-US] [sub] desiderio di evasione Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2516203 [en-US] solitudine.MP4 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2516211 [en-US] [sub] solitudine Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2520712 [en-US] rabbia.MP4 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2520713 [en-US] [sub] rabbia Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2560252 Immagine WhatsApp 2023-06-22 ore 13.26.25_f2704758 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2560479 Screenshot 2024-02-10 121648 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2560490 Screenshot 2024-02-10 120502 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2560492 Screenshot 2024-02-10 120512 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2560496 Screenshot 2024-02-10 115658 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2560500 Screenshot 2024-02-10 120533 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2560507 Screenshot 2024-02-10 153210 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2560515 Screenshot 2024-02-10 153747 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2560517 Screenshot 2024-02-10 153815 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2561887 Screenshot 2024-02-10 154929 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2561889 Screenshot 2024-02-10 155311 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2561897 Screenshot 2024-02-10 161243 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2561913 Screenshot 2024-02-10 170015 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2561931 Screenshot 2024-02-10 171227 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2576534 Screenshot 2024-02-18 185856 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2576544 Screenshot 2024-02-18 193240 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2576561 Screenshot 2024-02-19 162814 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2576572 Screenshot 2024-02-19 165714 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2576581 Screenshot 2024-02-19 141724 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2576593 Screenshot 2024-02-19 170938 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2576615 Screenshot 2024-02-19 172843 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2576620 Screenshot 2024-02-19 172910 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2576631 Screenshot 2024-02-19 172932 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2578220 foto Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2578222 fotp Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2578224 fotp Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2578244 vortici Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
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2584641 IMG_0859 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2588873 IMG_0859 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2601231 IMG_0859 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2601414 pilot light Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2601871 vortici light Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2602525 psicodrama matrimonio Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2616325 Art Exhibition Instagram Story Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2616382 png conser Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2854614 poster GM Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2854621 Content Warning corrected Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2854625 Concert programme Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2854632 Design[1] Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2854637 Design (2) Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2854641 the untouchable thoughts Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved
2854643 Immagine WhatsApp 2024-05-23 ore 13.01.30_ebaf3601 Gianmarco Moneti All rights reserved

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