
Metaphors in piano teaching - Thanos Katsaras (last edited: 2022)

Thanos Katsaras
no media files associated
open exposition

About this exposition

Effectiveness of metaphors in piano teaching. Definition of the goal of using metaphors when teaching a piano student
typeresearch exposition
keywordsmetaphors, piano, Imagery
last modified11/12/2022
statusin progress
share statuspublic
copyrightDavid Vandewalker
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
external linkhttps://www.shsu.edu/academics/music/center-for-music-education/praxis/articles/imagery-and-metaphor.html

Simple Media

id name copyright license
1860556 'As if a little bird is sitting on your finger' - Metaphor as a key instrument in teaching and learning music Huib Schippers CC BY-NC-ND

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