
The Playground Residence / (last edited: 2024)

Thijs Schrijnemakers
no media files associated
open exposition

About this exposition

On average, a professional Dutch musician works as a independant entrepreneur. Sharing knowledge with peers happens mostly in informal and non-formal settings and it is hardly monitored yet. What are the core concepts that lead to peer learning amongst music professionals, according to themselves? And what can music professionals learn from other art disciplines? This descriptive qualitative research amongst music professionals starts with an autoethnograpic practice based experiment on location. Based on results from a desk study with focus groups, earlier conducted under the concept 'Take It To The Bridge'. The results are discussed in focus groups and the output will be translated to explanatory videos on music residencies, a podcast series on residencies and a blueprint (project plan) for future music residencies with a focus on peer learning and building networks. The building blocks, as stated in 'Take It To The Bridge' are 'Start From Passion', 'Sparking Creativity', and 'Practice Based Learning'.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsartistic research, autoethnography, focus groups
last modified12/06/2024
statusin progress
share statuspublic
copyrightThijs Schrijnemakers
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
external linkwww.playgar.com

Simple Media

id name copyright license
1800340 The Playground Residence - introduction (in Dutch) Thijs Schrijnemakers, 2022 All rights reserved
1800414 Thijs Schrijnemakers_8347-2 Mark van Stokkom, 2021 All rights reserved
1800436 TPR, summary Stichting Playgar, 2022 All rights reserved
1801023 Creativity and Artistry Stichting Playgar, 2022 All rights reserved
1801035 Practice Based Learning Stichting Playgar, 2022 All rights reserved
1801060 codering_inhoudelijk_final Thijs Schrijnemakers, 2021 CC BY-NC-ND
1803915 evaluation on 1 passion Thijs Schrijnemakers, 2022 All rights reserved
1804061 BRON1_Naber Maike Fleuren, 2022 All rights reserved
1804063 BRON2_MathildeNobel Maike Fleuren, 2022 All rights reserved
1804066 BRON3_CassandraOnck Maike Fleuren, 2022 All rights reserved
1804071 BRON4_Blackbird Maike Fleuren, 2022 All rights reserved
1804073 BRON5_FrankKick Maike Fleuren, 2022 All rights reserved
1804075 BRON6_JeroenLazeroms Maike Fleuren, 2022 All rights reserved
1804079 BRON7_ThijsSchrijnemakers Maike Fleuren, 2022 All rights reserved
1804081 BRON8_AnnekeVanGiersbergen Maike Fleuren, 2022 All rights reserved
1804083 BRON9_BasVermolen Maike Fleuren, 2022 All rights reserved
1804085 BRON10_LarsIckenroth Maike Fleuren, 2022 All rights reserved
1804386 AUTOETHNOGRAPIC Dennis Gaens, 2022 All rights reserved
1804391 AUTOETHNOGRAPIC Dennis Gaens, 2022 All rights reserved
1804443 AUTOETHNOGRAPHIC OUTPUT 1 Thijs Schrijnemakers, 2022 All rights reserved
1839716 ESNS-382 ESNS 2022 All rights reserved
1840330 codering_inhoudelijk_final_TS22 Thijs Schrijnemakers, 2022 All rights reserved
1841336 KEcommunicatie_SchrijnemakersThijs_20202021_06 en-US Thijs Schrijnemakers, 2022 All rights reserved
1841339 De Vereniging - rep 220822 Dennis Gaens en Thijs Schrijnemakers, 2022 All rights reserved
1841424 COVER ART - Village Bomber's Requiem Charlotte Hofman, 2022 All rights reserved
1901586 Maike_preperatory Thijs Schrijnemakers, 2023 All rights reserved
1901589 Iason_preparatory Thijs Schrijnemakers, 2023 All rights reserved
1901618 Marie_preperatory Thijs Schrijnemakers, 2023 All rights reserved
1901622 Erroll_preperatory Thijs Schrijnemakers, 2023 All rights reserved
1901645 Merel_preperatory Thijs Schrijnemakers, 2023 All rights reserved
1913746 ESNS Community Building And Non-Formal Learning Thijs Schrijnemakers, 2023 Public domain
2884029 Residents show you what The Playground Residence is all about. Thijs Schrijnemakers All rights reserved
2884035 Twenty artists joined forces in Sopot, Poland Thijs Schrijnemakers All rights reserved

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