
Silenced Womb (2024)

Petra Kroon
Ega Huurdeman

About this exposition

Thesis of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, 2022 Master Photography & Society In Silenced Womb Petra Kroon ( @fotosvanpetrakroon) examines the age-old taboo on menopause. What does it mean to be systematically silenced for centuries? What effect does it have on how you are represented? How you are treated? And how do you behave? She explores these questions from three perspectives: the medical world, society and photography. She investigates what this in/visibility looks like and analyses what it does to her and to her allies. Since she wants to lift this taboo on menopause, she also makes some suggestions for a different representation.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsmenopause, invisibility, feminism, medical misogyny, autoethnography, self portaiture
last modified10/06/2024
share statusprivate
affiliationRoyal Academy of Art, The Hague
copyrightPetra Kroon
licenseAll rights reserved
published inRoyal Academy of Art, The Hague
portal issue0. Publications 2022
external linkhttps://petrakroon.nl/

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