

Mirjam van Tilburg

About this exposition

Welcome to "Studies in Kunstvakidiotie". Here, you can browse through the photographs, essays, drawings, audio and video clips. ‘Studies in kunstvakidiotie’ is the doctoral research of Mirjam van Tilburg at Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA). This is a study in arts education from within the arts. She tries to shift the dominant image of life-long-learning (LLL) and provide insight into the possibilities that this LLL space also provides to art teachers. By searching in this way, more and more became clear about life-long-learning of art teachers. Therefore, a linear cause-and-effect narrative did not seem to do justice to the subject matter. The term ‘studies’ in the title is sketchy — it also involves repetition and seeking connections and, above all, it is a derivative of studio and study. Five essays form the markers within ‘Studies in Kunstvakidiotie’. Together, they construct a narrative. The essay ‘(onder)zoek in kunsteducatie’ describes practices and values that stem from Mirjam van Tilburg’s artistic practice: education. The motivation behind this research is that art teachers find LLL events to be limited. The essay ‘LLO als commoning practice’ discusses the possibilities of commoning practices. The examples: The New School Collective and studios are outlined herein. The studios are the experiment within this doctoral research. During the winter of 2020-2021, Mirjam van Tilburg worked with ten art teachers. The experiment of this doctoral project coincided with the Covid-19 crisis. Together they occupied artist studios in Tilburg and Rotterdam to de-automate and look at teaching practices. The essays ‘Blik’ and ‘Tijd’ therefore propose two topics of conversation within LLL: the ‘aesthetic glance’ and the temporal experience of ‘interruption’. These essays question the efficient and productive order prevailing in the work environment and LLL of art teachers. The essay ‘Herontdekking van Kunstvakidiotie’ is the story of a change in the craft of art teachers in the first Covid-19 crisis year. The term ‘kunstvakidiotie’ in the title cannot be directly translated into English because it is a compound word and may have specific connotations in the Dutch context. The essay describes how in these studios, art subject teachers had one foothold: artistic fervour.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsarteducation, art, education, teacher training, teaching, teaching artist, phd, covid19, LLO, practice-based research
last modified25/06/2024
statusin progress
share statuspublic
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
external linkwww.mirjamvantilburg.nl

Simple Media

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1774586 StudioRotterdamJan_overzichtmuur kopie yes CC BY-NC-ND
1774590 Herontdekking van kunstvakidiotie yes CC BY-NC-ND
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2210143 kunstvakidiotie yes CC BY-ND
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2210168 DetailStudioTilburgNov_waartoe arr All rights reserved
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2210561 WhatsApp Image 2021-01-20 at 11.25.34 free All rights reserved
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2296083 a3 10 feb 2020_4-13 yes CC BY-NC-ND
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2300811 workshops codarts en hku 2019 yes CC BY-NC-ND
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2301137 leegvooressay yes CC BY-NC-ND
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2310433 audio beeld yes CC BY-NC-ND
2310493 Welke blik werp jij?_KZ2_2020 yes CC BY-NC-ND
2310501 parallelle-blik yes CC BY-NC-ND
2310504 Wat is een school, eigenlijk? Kunstzone 1 2015 kopie yes CC BY-NC-ND
2310511 beste vakidioten yes CC BY-NC-ND
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2311465 LLOaslcommoningpraktijk_26092023 yes CC BY-NC-ND
2311471 (onder)zoekenindekunsteducatie_26092023 yes CC BY-NC-ND
2311474 Blik_26092023 yes CC BY-NC-ND
2311475 Tijd_26092023 yes CC BY-NC-ND
2311477 Herontdekkingvankunstvakidiotie_26092023 yes CC BY-NC-ND
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2384804 Onderliggenddocument yes CC BY-NC-ND
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2556368 Beste M., yes All rights reserved
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2909408 CE#66_Unlearning_artikel_Het oefenen van de esthetische blik_Mirjam van Tilburg yes All rights reserved

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