
Hosting Togetherness as a Tool for Future Resistance. Research format Testing in Performance, (last edited: 2022)

Liz Rech

About this exposition

Between 2012 and 2017, two cultural institutions and two universities in Hamburg collaborated in an experiment in the growing field of artistic and art-based research: Within the programmes Assemblies and Participation (2012-2014) and Performing Citizenship (2015-2017), they explored forms and formats of research in between art, academia and society. PABR (Participatory Art Based Research) understands research first and foremost as a triangular relation and interaction between art, science and society. This field of art-based research experiments with formats that involve not only artists and researchers, but also members of other communities such as children, neighbors, activists, experts, (non-)citizens. Artistic practices are thereby the crucial resources to change the relationship between research and the public and to create research practices in and for society. Fifty research projects have been designed and conducted so far to weave participatory research, participatory art, and cultural studies into a methodology that could be called the "Hamburg School" of participatory art-based research (Peters et al. 2020). In PABR, other forms of knowledge, which, for example, come from everyday practices, or exist as body or experiential knowledge, are valued as equal to academic or artistic knowledge. Methodologically, the research setups that have been used by Liz Rech in the context of her performative research projects can be assigned to the field of PABR. The text "Hosting Togetherness as a Tool for Future Resistance. Research format Testing in Performance" is part of the online publication on PABR https://pab-research.de.
typeresearch exposition
keywordstogetherness, resistance, safe space, PABR (Participatory Art Based Research), participatory performance, agency, Responsibility.
last modified25/05/2022
statusin progress
share statuspublic
affiliationGraduate School performing Citizenship
copyrightLiz Rech
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
external linkhttps://pab-research.de/response-by-liz-rech/


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