
A blank canvas: The impacts of our music preferences on our reactions to sounds and improvisational expressions (last edited: 2023)

Merve Abdurrahmani
no media files associated
open exposition

About this exposition

Just as birds carry their sounds everywhere they go to be recognizable by the other animals, music is a tool for us to define ourselves and our culture, and it allows us to express ourselves through performances and even just through listening. A key factor in the growth of community music has been the acknowledgment that everyone has a social and biological guarantee of musicianship and evidence that anyone, regardless of social status, education, mental health, or medical issues, can communicate through music. (Elliott, 2004; Miell, MacDonald & Hargreaves, 2005; Pavlicevic & Ansdell, 2004) This thesis explores the relationship between the established individual differences and environmental factors when it comes to forming our musical preferences. In my experience, no matter where we come from, we all appreciate the beauty of sound and the depth of music in uniquely different ways. To be able to receive new ways of experiencing music, we have to understand that we all come from different backgrounds, and we all walked through different paths in our unique lives.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsglobal music, improvisation, cross-genre music creation, music preferences, music identity
last modified10/02/2023
statusin progress
share statuspublic
copyrightMerve Abdurrahmani
licenseCC BY-NC-ND

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1600365 Vasilis' interview (30.3.2022) (kopio) Merve Abdurrahmani All rights reserved
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