
Cello Meets Soleares (2022)

Candela Mier-Terán

About this exposition

Flamenco is still a mystery and although there is a growing body of academic literature seeking to understand it, there is still a long way to go. In addition, flamenco is opening up to such variety and innovation that various instruments have been included in the traditional ensemble of guitar, cajón, clapping, cantaor/a and dancer. For these reasons, this research aims to bring cante por soleares closer to anyone interested in the world of flamenco, although perhaps with special attention to string musicians, and cellists in particular. This work, together with my analysis of the rhythm, melody, harmony and structure of the soleares, seeks to offer reflections, tools and conclusions for those looking to imitate soleares singers on the cello. This work is carried out through the transcription and analysis of six soleares, carefully selected for the purpose of being played on the cello [having done so much work with flamenco experts, it is a pity not to mention this as one of your key methods]. With these insights, I seek to better understand the characteristics of cante por soleares, to propose different forms of imitating it on the cello, and to offer options more suitable to the instrument when close imitation is not possible.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsFlamenco, soleares, cante, flamenco, transcription, Violoncello, Aesthetics & Cultural Discourse
last modified11/05/2022
share statusshared in portal(s):
copyrightCandela Mier-Terán de La Flor
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
published inKC Research Portal
portal issue1. Master Research Projects


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