
Coded Perception: 'Out of the Corner of One's Eye' (2021)

Mike Croft

About this exposition

The exposition concerns how aspects of perception, mainly visual but not excluding other senses, are encoded within the artist’s drawing-based practice. Such coding is increased due to the artist's use of speech and its recording to eventually produce textual transcripts, and video evidence of the process of drawing while drawing. More inclusively stated, the artist’s practice oscillates between visual and linguistic means, and analogue and digital methods. As research, the exposition questions where and how coding is implicit in the artist’s perception during his approach to his work. Such questioning is enabled by a split between the artist in his reflexive involvement presented as speech transcripts and supporting screenshots from the video recording, and his reflective observation on the content of the transcript as if made by another-person interlocutor. The exposition is presented as a textual introduction and conclusion, between which is access to the full audio-visual recording of the drawing process and a flip-book presentation of the transcript and interlocutor interventions. The exposition's main image is the artist's finished drawing.
typeresearch exposition
keywordscode, perception, drawing, unconscious, transcription
last modified10/09/2021
share statusprivate
affiliationIndependent Researcher
copyrightMichael Croft
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
languageBritish English
published ini2ADS - Research Institute in Art, Design and Society
portal issue0. Art, Design & Society
connected toOPDrawing


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