

Søren Kjærgaard, Torben Snekkestad

About this exposition

What happens when musicians improvising on acoustic instruments sample and exchange their sound libraries? How can such a transgression of sonic territories contribute to an expanded understanding of one’s own sonic identity? And could this b/lending of identities point to a more ambiguous yet vibrant field of intra-play? Departing from these questions, this project intends to challenge our idea of sonic identity as a personal subject-oriented entity, and consequently investigate how a collaborative sharing of sampled sounds, can contribute to an expanded understanding of the sounds we play and are played by. Individual idiomatic approaches to one’s own instrument are thus interfered as we transgress habitual boundaries for action possibilities and musical imagination. The practice circulates from the duo of Torben Snekkestad and Søren Kjærgaard toward external collaborators, where the sharing process involves different approaches to audio sampling and mapping, embedding and embodying, listening and playing with each other’s sonic material to a point where authorship, origin, instrument and sonic identity is diffracted.

Hvad sker der, når musikere, der improviserer på akustiske instrumenter, sampler og udveksler deres lydbiblioteker? Hvordan kan en sådan overskridelse af soniske territorier bidrage til en udvidet forståelse af ens egen soniske identitet? Og kan dette mix af identiteter pege på et potentielt mere flertydigt og levende spillefelt? Med afsæt i disse spørgsmål har dette projekt til hensigt at udfordre vores idé om sonisk identitet som en personlig subjekt-orienteret enhed og undersøge, hvordan en kollaborativ deling af samplede lyde kan bidrage til en udvidet forståelse af de lyde, vi spiller og bliver spillet af. Individuelle idiomatiske tilgange til ens eget instrument forstyrres således, når vi overskrider de vanlige grænser for handlingsmuligheder og musikalsk imagination. Praksissen cirkulerer fra duoen Torben Snekkestad og Søren Kjærgaard ud mod eksterne samarbejdspartnere, hvor delingsprocessen involverer forskellige tilgange til lydsampling og mapping, indlejring og kropsliggørelse, lytning og leg med hinandens lydmateriale til et punkt, hvor ejerskab, oprindelse, instrument og lydlig identitet diffrakteres. 
typeresearch exposition
keywordssampling, experimental, improvisation, critical listening, Diffractive methodology, intra-action, instrument design, samtidsmusikk, mapping, listening, collaborative processes, collective art production, coding, midi, intra-play, multilayeredness, diffraction, piano technique, piano performance, saxophone, saxophone multiphonics, sonic materialism, New Materialism, supercollider, RMC staff
last modified22/11/2024
share statusprivate
affiliationRhythmic Music Conservatory, Copenhagen, Norwegian Academy of Music
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
published inVIS - Nordic Journal for Artistic Research, Rhythmic Music Conservatory, Copenhagen
portal issue10. VIS Issue 10


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