
Sound object and space: developing concepts by making software (last edited: 2021)

Julius Raskevicius
Casper Schipper
no media files associated
open exposition

About this exposition

Concepts of sound object as a mental and programmed representation of sound are explored in the thesis through compositions and software. Terms "instance" and "class", as seen in object-oriented programming, are used to describe a unit to compose and analyze acoustmatic music. The role of spatiality and its relationship to vision is also discussed. Three computer programs are presented, each marking the progression in the development of sound object from spatial perspective.
typeresearch exposition
keywordssonology, electronic music
last modified30/03/2021
statusin progress
share statuspublic
copyrightJulius Raskevicius
licenseCC BY-NC-ND
connected toKC Research Portal

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