
Movement Practice: A developmental research journey in improvised drumming (last edited: 2021)

Conor McAuley
no media files associated
open exposition

About this exposition

About this exposition: This work documents a progressive journey in improvised drumming. Research was centred around movement, and focused on three major players in the improvised world; Milford Graves, Chris Corsano, and Steve Davis. The page contains written text analysis of performance, as well as video performance, voice-over, and face-to-camera critique. This mixed methodology, whilst lending itself well to the documentation of progress, resulted in a deepening of knowledge that has now crucially been folded back into my own practice. Research questions include: What can I learn from analysing the playing of other drummers? Why do we (drummers) move in certain ways in performance, and why do we play the things we do? What are the processes involved in movement? What can I learn from and how can I develop an awareness around a movement practice? All these questions are aimed at improving my own movement practice behind the drum kit. They were at the fore of this entire portfolio. I address these questions in text, and through video documentation of my own playing. Themes include: The role of the body, expression, embodied play, and animated/gestural play. An overarching theme of movement is central to all of this.
typeresearch exposition
keywordsimprovisation, drums, drumming, embodied, enactive, gesture, cognition, movement, environment, awareness, milford graves, chris corsano, steve davis
last modified07/02/2021
statusin progress
share statuspublic
affiliationQueen's University Belfast
copyrightConor McAuley
licenseAll rights reserved

Simple Media

id name copyright license
1114959 FABM9242 copyright by me All rights reserved
1121904 What I sound like after my research Conor McAuley All rights reserved
1121953 Chris Corsano Final Conor McAuley All rights reserved
1123024 Steve Davis Conor McAuley All rights reserved
1123043 Milford Conor McAuley All rights reserved
1123061 Chris Corsano Conor McAuley All rights reserved
1123114 Steve Davis Conor McAuley All rights reserved
1124477 Milford 3 examples Conor McAuley All rights reserved
1124557 Conor McAuley - Simon Waters - Kevin McCullagh - Paul Stapleton - 16.09.20 Conor McAuley All rights reserved
1124559 Conor McAuley - Simon Waters - Kevin McCullagh - Paul Stapleton - 16.09.20 Conor McAuley All rights reserved
1124585 Milford Video Text Conor McAuley All rights reserved
1124601 Final Clip Conor McAuley All rights reserved

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