
Happy Ending Story (last edited: 2022)

Dominika Łabądź
Dominika Łabądź

About this exposition

The Happy Ending Story project as an artistic research is based on an artistic collaboration which results in a collective publication co-created by professional artists and non-artists alike. It combines the competences of many people from different fields. The form of the project is by definition open, without expert diagnoses and ambitions. It is not so much result-oriented as it is rather focused on deficiencies and creating space for independent thoughts and their circulation. The "Happy ending story" project, referring to the issue of catastrophe and the end of times, has become an attempt to work through this loss, but also a reflection on the extent to which this loss has already taken place. It is something like mourning, but difficult to survive without the support of a community. The publication is relational in nature and draws on the potential for interaction and participation of those who can influence the shape of the work. It thus excludes monological artistic practices that attribute creative agency mainly to one artist or artists. The field of interest is the testing of narrative potentials, the deepening of optical awareness, conscious and empathetic perception and action in a world of global interdependence, politics of exclusion, and growing inequalities. The strategy of democratization of knowledge, inclusiveness of art creation and networking of local creative habitats, collectives for building social awareness and community can be an effective form of resistance against neoliberal practices leading to commodification of knowledge and art.
typeresearch exposition
keywordspost pandemic, narrative potential, crisis of imagination, collective publishing, creative ecosystem, collective consciousness, artistic process, performative exchange, collaboration, care, open source.
last modified16/01/2022
statusin progress
share statuspublic
copyrightDominika Łabądź
licenseCC BY-SA

Simple Media

id name copyright license
1078664 P1110794 Paweł Jarodzki CC BY-SA
1078677 ggiugoh Dominika Łabądź All rights reserved
1078690 Gdyby wszystko było odobinę dalej1_fot_alicjakielan Dominika Labadz All rights reserved
1078702 Zapowiedź i huty staną 1 Dominika Łabądź All rights reserved
1078763 i_huty_stana_plakati_net Iwona Jarosz All rights reserved
1078808 Jarosz Iwona Iwona Jarosz All rights reserved
1212840 DSCF9151 Dominika Łabądź CC BY-SA
1212842 DSCF9166 dominika Łabądź CC BY-SA
1212844 DSCF9184 dominika łabądź All rights reserved
1220967 efekt strobo dominika Łabądź All rights reserved
1316544 warsztat Dominika Łabądź All rights reserved
1316546 kadr_Warsztaty Czytania obrazów z AnnA Markowską Dominika Łabądź All rights reserved
1316548 kadr_Performatywne czytanie Dominika Łabądź All rights reserved
1316552 DSCF1200 DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1316554 fegreg DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1316572 DSCF1216 DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1316576 3frfh DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1316583 grgerok DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1316597 ok copy DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1316604 dydr DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1316611 okgrgwr dominika łabądź CC BY
1316616 cover dominika łabądź All rights reserved
1316618 happy yellow DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1316622 opis hes DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ CC BY-NC-ND
1316624 opis hes dominika łabądż All rights reserved
1316627 opis hes DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1316629 hes skan dominika łabądź All rights reserved
1316637 happy yellow dominika łabądź All rights reserved
1316639 opis hes1 dominika łabądź All rights reserved
1316642 opis hes1 dominika łabadz CC BY-SA
1316662 heppycover dominika łabądź CC BY-SA
1317923 HAPPY ENDING STORY_skan dominika labadz CC BY-NC-ND
1317977 Happy ending story_exclusive DOMINIKA łabądź CC BY-NC-ND
1317980 Warsztat kreatywnego czytania obrazów_Anna Markowska DOMINIKA Łabądź CC BY-NC-ND
1318446 recsetsetwt DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ CC BY-NC-ND
1318589 DSCF1188 dominika ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1318591 gshshwsh dominika ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1318952 Open Call screen1 DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1318953 Open Call screen3 DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1318954 Open Call screen4 DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1318955 Open Call screen5 DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1318956 Open Call screen10 DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1318979 strobo dzikie dominika Łabądź CC BY-NC-ND
1319065 DZIKIE 2 DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1319070 DZOKIE3 DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1425067 DSCF2225 DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1425069 DSCF2239 DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1425071 DSCF2168 Dominika ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1425073 DSCF2230 Dominika ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1438903 1_huty_dok_fot_alicjakielan Alicja Kielan CC BY
1442757 participants Dominika ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1442915 participants1 dominika Łabądź All rights reserved
1456886 general overview dominika ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1456888 general overview DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1456889 general overview DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ CC BY-NC-ND
1456949 general overview1 dominika ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1456953 general overview1 DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ CC BY-NC-ND
1456968 general overview dominika łabądź CC BY-NC-ND
1456982 Zrzut ekranu 2021-12-05 o 15.27.51 dominika łaBĄDŹ CC BY
1456993 general overview dominika ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1456998 Stafan Paweł Zaleski_Happy ending story_fot. Łabądź dominika łabąDŹ All rights reserved
1457003 Po jutrze będzie super_Tajne Komplety_fot.Łabądź.jpg DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1457034 Performatywne czytanie książki dominika łabądź CC BY-NC-ND
1463747 participants Dominika Łabądź CC BY-SA
1463753 strzałka Dominika Łabądź All rights reserved
1463754 strzałka Dominika łabądź CC BY-NC-ND
1463757 strzałka żółta Dominika Łabądź All rights reserved
1464570 SYGNET DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1464690 Zrzut ekranu 2021-12-12 o 20.30.48 Dominika Łabądź CC BY-SA
1464714 ikona do czytania yellow Dominika Łabądź CC BY-SA
1464761 read Dominika Łabądź All rights reserved
1464948 The Happy End is comming soon! Dominika Łabądź CC BY-SA
1464959 Happy ending story_exclusive Jerzy Kosałaka All rights reserved
1464969 Happy ending story_exclusive-2 Jerzy Kosałaka All rights reserved
1464972 Happy ending story_exclusive-3 Jerzy Kosałaka All rights reserved
1464978 Happy ending story_exclusive-4 Marka Twiatek All rights reserved
1465010 Happy ending story_exclusive-5 Krzysztof Wałaszek All rights reserved
1465014 Happy ending story_exclusive-6 Joanna Bubak All rights reserved
1465016 Happy ending story_exclusive-7 Krzysztof Wałaszek All rights reserved
1465018 Happy ending story_exclusive-9 Varvara Tokareva All rights reserved
1465022 Happy ending story_exclusive-10 Izabela Bochenko All rights reserved
1465024 Happy ending story_exclusive-12 Henryk Kwiatek All rights reserved
1465191 Po jutrze będzie super_Tajne Komplety_fot.Łabądź_widok3 Dominika Łabądź All rights reserved
1465232 DSCF2180 Dominika Łabądź All rights reserved
1465237 DSCF2234 Dominika Łabądź All rights reserved
1465246 DSCF2182 Dominika Łabądź All rights reserved
1465260 DSCF2170 Dominika Łabądź All rights reserved
1465293 Po jutrze będzie super_Tajne Komplety_fot.Łabądź.jpg Dominika Łabądź All rights reserved
1465343 IMG_20211207_184713095_HDR DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1465405 Zrzut ekranu 2021-12-12 o 21.03.17 DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1465791 IMG_20211207_184731359 DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1465932 DSCF2179 DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1465955 Jerzy Kosałak_Happy ending story_fot. Łabądź DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ All rights reserved
1466095 ikona czytanie w ciemnościach Dominika Łabądź CC BY-SA
1466143 Performatywne czytanie_całość DOMINIKA ŁABĄDŹ CC BY-NC-ND
1466318 strzałka czerwona Dominika Łabądź CC BY-NC-SA
1466941 zdula Dominika Łabądź CC BY-SA
1467116 Stafan Paweł Zaleski_Happy ending story_fot. Łabądź Dominika Łabądź CC BY-SA
1467121 Wiejak_Siekierska_Happy Ending Story Dominika Łabądź CC BY-NC
1467124 Renata Lizurej_Dominika Łabdź_Happy ending story_fot. Łabądź Dominika Łabądź CC BY-SA
1467127 hes fin Dominika Łabądź CC BY-SA
1467138 DSCF1087 Dominika Łabądź CC BY-SA
1467158 matryca Dominika Łabądź CC BY-SA
1467168 szycie Dominika Łabądź CC BY-SA
1467175 papier Dominika Łabądź CC BY-SA
1467191 dzikie sygnet Dominika Łabądź All rights reserved
1467274 16999200_10155366488692439_1654952165317434146_n BWA Wrocław All rights reserved
1467276 257129879_4585168128209974_1758341059283534714_n Tajne Komplety All rights reserved
1467290 sygnet dzikie Dominika Łabądź All rights reserved
1467305 Hes sygnet Dominika Łabądź CC BY-SA
1467402 95478738_107111547654869_4024682512981688320_n CZY BADANIA ARTYSTYCZNE All rights reserved

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