Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)

About this portal
Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH) was established in 2014 and have about 500 students and 250 employees. With our unique composition of education and artistic research, we want to create new opportunities for societal development and knowledge of tomorrow.
On 1 June 2016 SKH was authorised to award artistic third-cycle degrees in artistic practices. Exposition is an integrated part of artistic work at SKH. Each research project must present (stage, narrate, sing, choreograph and so on) its results in a way that is both rigorous and consistent. This requires research to be critically reviewed by peers in a combination of different exposition formats. By developing different formats in which peer review can be carried out, research within the area also addresses the challenges that arise when research is formulated and presented in forms that communicate through an artistically performed experience and thereby contribute to pushing the boundaries that existing forms of publication and dissemination of research set for the ambitions of artistic research.
Stockholm University of the Arts enables its researchers, PhD Candidates and staff to present their projects and findings on SKH’s RC portal in order to publish, archive, and internationally connect their artistic research.
SKH organizes private lessons and workshops aimed at our students, researchers, and employees. For bookings, please contact:
contact person(s):
Heidi Möller 
Recent Issues
0. X-position
Stockholm University of the Arts publication series: X-Position, ISSN 2002-603X;3
0. Published expositions
Published expositions by Stockholm University of the Arts.
Recent Activities
Sol-Kissed Bokashi
author(s): Shauheen Daneshfar
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
This exposition delves into the realm of sustainable material reuse, re-thinking and recycling material in still photography. The artist explores repurposing techniques through personal experiences, approaching Bokashi, a composting chemical to replenish C-41 development for colour-negative film.
The exposition aims to reflect on alternative practices in photographic chemistry, recycling and repurposing materials. It is a sustainable artistic journey that aims to breathe new life into forgotten objects, expanding the discourse on environmental consciousness.
Jolly Bobs live at Solpark
author(s): Matthew D'Arcy
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
I en blandning av film och performance, fem engelsmän berättar om varför de kom till Sverige, om deras kärlekshistorier, om vad de egentligen tycker om Sverige och läget i hemlandet. Detta konstnärlig forsknings projekt blandar dokumentärfilms metoder med scenkonst och skådespeleriteknik för att undersöker idéer kring kön, manlighet, nationaltet och invandring.
author(s): Katarina Eismann, Tinna Joné, Nils Claesson
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
“We need to distinguish between the logical future, which is the development of the present – and the desired future, which is the world we want to create.”
This statement represents the guiding vision for the exhibition ARARAT, shown at Moderna Museet in Stockholm April – July 1976. The exhibition was the product of a large group of people such as artists, architects, researchers, and engineers brought together in a project called Alternative Research in Architecture, Resources, Art and Technology – ARARAT!
Students from SKH, Stockholm University of the Arts have been working, thinking, and sitting with this together. Creating, provoking, and forgiving. Lumbung, Collective wisdom and future making. MA program The Art of Impact is after one year in the middle of their education and present work from this spring in this exposition. The one-year freestanding course The Impact of Research presents their exam projects.
ARARAT has been revisited before in education, a research project in the course Take a Walk on the Wild Side: Learning from the City and Beyond, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, 2014/2015
Blodet gränserna arkivet
author(s): Alexander Mood
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
In ”Blodet gränserna arkivet” I have continued the exploration of what obligations I have towards the extensive collections of artefacts connected with my family history that my father left me after my his death, and, even more important, the imaginary kingdom that he had been working on since the age of ten and all the way through his life. He abandoned me, partly to instead engage in made up power struggles in a nation that does not exist. Since I inherited his kingdom and his collection I’ve tried different methods to process this heritage in my art, and in this final part of this process I’ve tried fulfil my role as the heir and take the next step, to abdicate. To do so I’ve built a throne, inspired by the throne of Queen Kristina of Sweden. I’ve also dealt with the collection in several video works and photography, and written texts dealing with the deeply personal aspects of growing up with a father king in his own realm. To summon the process I’ve written an essay in which I connect my personal experiences and thoughts and memories with theories of what a nation consists of, using the method of loci both to reconstruct the apartment of my father, stuffed with objects loaded with meaning, and finding the links back in the history of art and poetry.
author(s): LIPKA FALCK
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
från fjäll till hav över under yta
färdas elektriska impulser
kopplas omkopplas felkopplas
dammen skogen myren
vilken röst?
den första.
Exkursion – utflykt i ett politiskt landskap
author(s): Karin Willén
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
SV Exkursion – utflykt i ett politiskt landskap är ett praktikbaserat konstnärligt undersökande arbete som handlar om att tänka närmare efter och att byta ståndpunkt. Det handlar om rättigheter och politik, och om ett pågående skifte i hur det som i dagligt tal kallas skog, brukas. Projektet är en del i ett större prövande arbete där konstnärliga verk och en platsspecifik dialog sätter frågor och förhållningssätt kring skog och överlevnad i fokus.
Projektets plats, Hållnäshalvön i Norduppland, Sverige, är beläget vid Östersjön i Norduppland. Det rurala och boreala landskapet är inte unikt på något sätt. Små reservat ligger utströdda som öar i ett hav av brukad skog. En bruksskog som bär tydliga spår av ett långvarigt och extensivt råvaruttag, här som annorstädes, och som är ständigt föränderlig i skogsindustrins maskinella kretslopp. De ekologiska systemen framhärdar i att förnya sig, hela tiden i en slags dialog med den skogsvård och det –bruk den är föremål för. Skogen kan sägas existera genom att iscensätta skogsindustrins och samhällets processer och beslut.
EN Excursion – an expedition into a political landscape is a practice based artistic research project about second thoughts and change of standpoints. The piece also discusses societal rights and politics, and mirrors an ongoing and possibly crucial shift in forest industry. Excursion is a part of a larger investigative and interactive artistic endeavour where visual art and dialogue focuses on the relations to and in the forest, all within a greater context of global crisis.
The site of the project is the Hållnäs peninsula by the Baltic Sea in Norhern Uppland Sweden. The rural and boreal landscape is not unique in any sense. Tiny nature reserves are scattered throughout the peninsula, like islands in the production forests. The forest is heavily characterized by an intense and relentless harvest of wood by the forest industry, here as in the rest of Sweden. The forest performs it´s forestnesss, not by existing as an inter-changing eternal ecosystem, but instead by interpreting the constant chain of change brought about by the machines and processes of the forest industry. The forest exists by performing the processes and decisions of the forest industry and the society.