Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)

About this portal
Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH) was established in 2014 and have about 500 students and 250 employees. With our unique composition of education and artistic research, we want to create new opportunities for societal development and knowledge of tomorrow.
On 1 June 2016 SKH was authorised to award artistic third-cycle degrees in artistic practices. Exposition is an integrated part of artistic work at SKH. Each research project must present (stage, narrate, sing, choreograph and so on) its results in a way that is both rigorous and consistent. This requires research to be critically reviewed by peers in a combination of different exposition formats. By developing different formats in which peer review can be carried out, research within the area also addresses the challenges that arise when research is formulated and presented in forms that communicate through an artistically performed experience and thereby contribute to pushing the boundaries that existing forms of publication and dissemination of research set for the ambitions of artistic research.
Stockholm University of the Arts enables its researchers, PhD Candidates and staff to present their projects and findings on SKH’s RC portal in order to publish, archive, and internationally connect their artistic research.
SKH organizes private lessons and workshops aimed at our students, researchers, and employees. For bookings, please contact:
contact person(s):
Heidi Möller 
Recent Issues
0. X-position
Stockholm University of the Arts publication series: X-Position, ISSN 2002-603X;3
0. Published expositions
Published expositions by Stockholm University of the Arts.
Recent Activities
Abstract Narration
author(s): anders bohman
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
In this project, I want to create selected filmscenes and investigate how long an abstract narrative can work before it becomes unclear and loses interest, when it is most effective and how it can be defined.
I det här projektet vill jag undersöka hur länge ett abstrakt narrativ kan fungera i en filmscen innan det blir otydligt och tappar intresset, när är det som mest effektivt och hur det kan definieras.
Dance Studio/Clearing Conversations
author(s): Chrysa Parkinson and Frank Bock
published in: Research Catalogue, Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
Conversations with dance knowledge” is a development work by Chrysa Parkinson, Professor of Dance, and Frank Bock, Senior Lecturer in Choreography, and Andrew Hardwidge.
The research is a conversation format that prioritizes movement between textures, atmospheres, qualities, and metaphors to express meaning and knowledge. By balancing somatic experience and language-based exchanges the research prioritizes nuances that emerge between people, places and things in activated space and time. The research is experimenting with question formation, spatial contexts and using simple materials in conversation. The process is documented by objects, texts, drawings, and audio files.
The aim of the research has been to develop research methods that can emphasize the authorship, materials and processes of dance and dancers within social and aesthetic discourses of dance and art practices and have direct applications in teaching processes.
Darkness as material - PhD project - 2023
author(s): Mia Engberg
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
The doctoral project Darkness as Material, examines darkness as material and its relationship to cinematic storytelling. The study addresses different kinds of darkness: darkness in the image, darkness in the cinema theatre, darkness in the spectator where films are received and the darkness in the filmmaker, where the world is reflected and ideas are born. The project is inspired by Marguerite Duras' idea to kill cinema, and it explores film's potential to approach the place she described as 'the dark room, where we are deaf and blind and passion is possible'.
voice under
author(s): Ester Martin Bergsmark
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
If voice over is the superior voice that dictates truth, I examine voice under, the other truths that take place simultaneously. In my doctoral thesis voice under, I explore all the parallel voices beyond the dominating all-knowing voice over. The intention of the project and concept voice under is to open up a wider sensory register in both the creation and the experience of film. By looking closely at, challenging, and playing with different cinematic conventions, I explore how we can recreate seemingly dominant expressions and find spaces for resistance, although temporary.
This document outlines the different modes of publication of the doctoral thesis voice under. voice under consists of two branches: film and text. The Documented Artistic Research Project (Doctoral Thesis) voice under will be made public and archived on September 1, 2023, through the following three materials:
1. Welcome to voice under folder
2. Performative contemplative film screening
3. The book voice under, consisting of a collection of texts
author(s): Camilla Damkjaer
published in: Research Catalogue, Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
This essay is reflection on the research project “ Presence and sustainability in the Performing arts” conducted by Camilla Damkjaer and Johanna Garpe at Stockholm University of the Arts 2021-2023.
The project started from the idea that the premise of the performing arts is to capture people’s attention. At the same time our attention is under pressure through experience economy, digitalisation and work-life conditions. We wanted to explore ways of creating sustainable relations to attention within this field. The purpose was of the project was therefore to develop a more sustainable relation to attention within the performing arts, in the meeting with meditative practices.
Och din reaktion?
author(s): Mattias Lindblad
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
Teorierna om varför vi skrattar är många och varierande. I denna masteressä riktas istället strålkastaren mot efterföljande reaktionen och effekten som reaktionen har på publikens uppfattning om humorupplevelsen.
Är den roligaste reaktionen alltid den som går i linje med publiken tolkning eller råder övriga övergripande aspekter?