Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)

About this portal
Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH) was established in 2014 and have about 500 students and 250 employees. With our unique composition of education and artistic research, we want to create new opportunities for societal development and knowledge of tomorrow.
On 1 June 2016 SKH was authorised to award artistic third-cycle degrees in artistic practices. Exposition is an integrated part of artistic work at SKH. Each research project must present (stage, narrate, sing, choreograph and so on) its results in a way that is both rigorous and consistent. This requires research to be critically reviewed by peers in a combination of different exposition formats. By developing different formats in which peer review can be carried out, research within the area also addresses the challenges that arise when research is formulated and presented in forms that communicate through an artistically performed experience and thereby contribute to pushing the boundaries that existing forms of publication and dissemination of research set for the ambitions of artistic research.
Stockholm University of the Arts enables its researchers, PhD Candidates and staff to present their projects and findings on SKH’s RC portal in order to publish, archive, and internationally connect their artistic research.
SKH organizes private lessons and workshops aimed at our students, researchers, and employees. For bookings, please contact:
contact person(s):
Heidi Möller 
Recent Issues
0. X-position
Stockholm University of the Arts publication series: X-Position, ISSN 2002-603X;3
0. Published expositions
Published expositions by Stockholm University of the Arts.
Recent Activities
Extended Experiences: Film and Performance Practices in VR/AR
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Aliki Tsakoumi
connected to: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This is a fascinating time of digital media and new technologies. They offer immersion and interaction and they challenge us, as creators, to work in alternative ways, create more space for the audience and develop our ideas across media while staying true to our artistic principles.
During my research, I developed a body of work that includes films, VR, AR, film and stand up comedy as a way to investigate cross-fertilisation in the creative field between different formats, practices and individuals.
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Heidi Möller, Katarina Eismann
connected to: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Welcome! We invite you to take part in an artistic exploration into Film and Media marking our Master Cohort’s graduation in June 2020. We are proud to present 17 gifted, brave and research ready students – all set to encounter the world!
From Problem Solving to Improvisation in Filmmaking
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Jackel Chow
connected to: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This exposition provides the insight of indeterminacy during improvisation, as well as the reflection process of how I converted my problems-solving skills to planned improvisation during the adverse filming condition of my graduation feature film production.
I define Improvisation as a way to be adaptive and flexible in uncertainty, while problem-solving as a solution to overcome the obstacles faced.
I started from an ambitious goal by making a feature-length hybrid film for my graduation showcase in my two years of master study. Facing problems like lack of money, insufficient network to find talents and limited time to acquire local knowledge of the working styles in the country, I met a lot of challenges. When I solved the problems one by one within this filmmaking process, I gradually realized I relied quite a lot on improvisation. It does not only apply on the set when I worked with the actors, but also on scriptwriting, crew recruiting, locations scouting, shots creation, etc.
The turning point for me to change from coincidental (unplanned) improvisation (because it is needed with problem solving) to deliberate (planned) improvisation started from my second half of principal photography (or simply called production/filming) stage because more uncertainty emerged and I started to get used to such style.
At the end, I made two versions of the films with different levels of improvisational practice. I will reflect my whole filmmaking process and its connection with improvisation from my film products.
Missa a la breve?! Forskning om Mozart-operornas långsamma tempi och a la breve.
(last edited: 2019)
author(s): Per Borin
connected to: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
”Missa a la breve?!”
Offentligt prövande/experimenterande/jämförelser av av de härskande traditionella tempi-konventioner gentemot Mozarts original anvisningar gällande tempi, fraseringar och skanderingar baserade på min Mozart-forskning.