Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)

About this portal
Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH) was established in 2014 and have about 500 students and 250 employees. With our unique composition of education and artistic research, we want to create new opportunities for societal development and knowledge of tomorrow.
On 1 June 2016 SKH was authorised to award artistic third-cycle degrees in artistic practices. Exposition is an integrated part of artistic work at SKH. Each research project must present (stage, narrate, sing, choreograph and so on) its results in a way that is both rigorous and consistent. This requires research to be critically reviewed by peers in a combination of different exposition formats. By developing different formats in which peer review can be carried out, research within the area also addresses the challenges that arise when research is formulated and presented in forms that communicate through an artistically performed experience and thereby contribute to pushing the boundaries that existing forms of publication and dissemination of research set for the ambitions of artistic research.
Stockholm University of the Arts enables its researchers, PhD Candidates and staff to present their projects and findings on SKH’s RC portal in order to publish, archive, and internationally connect their artistic research.
SKH organizes private lessons and workshops aimed at our students, researchers, and employees. For bookings, please contact:
contact person(s):
Heidi Möller 
Recent Issues
0. X-position
Stockholm University of the Arts publication series: X-Position, ISSN 2002-603X;3
0. Published expositions
Published expositions by Stockholm University of the Arts.
Recent Activities
The Dark Summer
author(s): Adele.CH
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
A documentation of decision making process in a reconstructing documentary film.
The Art of Impact 2022-2024
author(s): Katarina Eismann
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
ART OF IMPACT 2022-2024
Expand your imagination to envision alternative futures!
Arts universities have the potential to play a pivotal role in challenging times and the students are vital actors, often the voice of change. Nine students are here presenting their thesis, essays and parts of their degree projects!
The Master program in Film and Media “The Art of Impact” is focused on how art has an impact on society and how art can change the society we live in. The program is research preparatory and consists of two years of full-time studies at advanced level.
Working in different formats and new technology on digital platforms, the students have deepen their understanding of storytelling and its potential impact on their audiences. Community outreach, innovation, as well as global and urban contexts all interconnect, integrating sustainability skills and thinking to boost innovation and creativity in transition initiatives.
Storytelling in challenging times. Hello future, here we come!
Tinna Joné
Head of subject Film & Media
Assistant professor in documentary storytelling
Stockholm University of the Arts
Virtual Hallucinations
author(s): Emma Richey
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
A master's thesis that aims to see how 2D animation can visualize hallucinations in VR, while examining the greyzone between technology and spirituality in the animation process. The animations are made for the VR documentary film: Urban Witches, by Nicia Fernandez.
Urban witches
author(s): Nitzibon
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
During the isolation in Mexico due to the pandemic, two groups of people fought their own ideals to prevent the disease: those who believed in scientific research, and those who followed shamans wisdom, the indigenous witches. Contrary to what people might believe, there are still a lot of beliefs in ancestry medicine in urban areas. During 2020 I have filmed clips of beliefs and traditions in different parts of Chihuahua, Mexico. I continued the research in Sweden and displayed the process at Tales Festival with sounds, objects and the film in VR. The name of the project: URBAN WITCHES.
I aim to continue the research on ancestral connectivity from a scientific point of view.
Durante el aislamiento de la pandemia, dos grupos de personas defendieron diferentes posturas para prevenir la enfermedad: los de ciencia y los que siguen el chamanismo de los nativos indigenas, del cual mucha gente del area urbana aun practica. Durante el 2020 filmé un poco de sus creencias y tradiciones en el Estado de Chihuahua. Continué la investigación en Suecia y mostré el proceso con una instalación de arte la pelicula en VR, sonidos y objetos en el Festival de Tales. El nombre del proyecto: URBAN WITCHES.
Mi objetivo es continuar investigando la conectividad ancestral desde el punto de vista científico.
The process
author(s): Johanna Schubert
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
Materials, Chaos, and Desire in the Midst of Subconsciousness
The Unimportance of Why - exploring liminal space in narrative gaps
author(s): Sara Key
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
Master in Film & Media, Thesis project, SKH/Stockholm University of the Arts - the Art of Impact 2024
Film as doing philosophy, and the liminal experience explored within the narrative gap of character creation, as a space for pre-reflective thought and attention.
Themes of Melancholy and Memory works as architecture for experimenting with spatiality and temporality.
With ideas of Film as Poetic Art, I have explored the How and Now in film acting with a tension dependent non-linear script motivated by the works of filmmaker Chantal Akerman.
What happens with us as filmmakers when we refuse to answer questions? What happens with the spectator when we refuse to give answers? Is there a gap created or are the gaps the magic that happens in between the creation?