
Annette Arlander
artistic research, performance as research, performing with plants, moving image, video, landscape, environment, ecology, new materialism, performance art
Michael Schwab
post-conceptual art
Marsha Bradfield
dialogic art, Writing as artistic research, live projects, postartistic, useology, occupational realism
Michael Kargl
performative materiality, somatics, perception
Siv Lier
Design, Design research, critical design practice, adversarial design, discursive design, politics of design, Contemporary archeology, ecology
Liz Rech
movement, social movements, aktivism, affect, choreography and performance
Theodore Teichman
embodiment, environmental art, environmental sound, environmental stewardship, environmental artistic research, environmental humanities, environmental ethics, ecology, eco-art, ecocriticism, ecopsychology, artistic research, landscape, landscape art, land-art, Landscape.Body, sound art, soundwalk, soundscape composition, soundscape, psychogeography, psychoacoustics, phenomenology, materiality, vibrant matter, material perception, material ontology, body extended, performance, site, Site-specific, place, Place and time, placemaking, time, time based media, time ecology, Film-making, photographic practice
Ryan Mason
choreography and performance, Choreographic Research, choreographic thinking
Gabby Bush
AI, Ethics, digital art, algorithms
Nina Goedegebure
art, science and art
Luc Gosselink
design, art, furniture design, repair, environmental awareness, change is possible