
Nina Hällgren
architecture, artistic research, urban sonic space, Urban acoustic planning, soundscape, sound
Ellen Kristine Ugelvik
Piano, piano technique, piano concerto, contemporary music
Christoph Brunner
Media Arts, affect, politics, activism, research-creation, Media studies, Cultural Studies, postcolonial/decolonial theories, Gender studies, Aesthetics and Theory of Arts
Mia Engberg
Silence, darkness, cinema, feminism, punk rock, buddhism
Tuomas H Laitinen
performance, audience, participation
Jennifer Torrence
Percussion, contemporary music, new musical works, Experimental music, collaboration, collaborative processes, devising
Manuel Macía
coloniality of sense, curatorial, discursive practices, knowledge infrastructures, neoliberal episteme, ontological design, pharmacoloniality, political aesthetics, politics of artistic research
Uwe Steinmetz
Jazz, postsecularity, religion and music, Lyricon, electroacoustic music
Imani Rameses
Neuroaesthetics, phenomenlogy, emotional communication, Choreographic Research, consciousness, interdisciplinarity, philosophy, neuroscience, psychogeography
Martí Ruiz i Carulla
sound art, Soundsculpture, acoustics, participation, DIY, socially engaged art, science and art
Francisca Skoogh
performance, western classical music, artistic research, psychology
Jahrmann Margarete
game studies, artwork, artistic epistemology, digital art, neuroscience, activism
teresa luzio
performance; walking; visuality; performance documentation
Jessica Renfro
Participation, socially engaged art, new media art, practice-based research, digitality
Pablo Devigo
Conducting, Basso Continuo, harpsichord