
Neil Mulholland
paragogy, neomedievalism, nonmodern
Paola Villanueva
artistic research, art education, post-qualitative inquiry, drawing, art practice
Kent G R Olofsson
Composition, Dramaturgy, Composed theatre, contemporary theatre, performing arts, electroacoustic music, Sound Spatialisation, scenography
Scott Andrew Elliott
Installation Art, interior and spatial practice, New Materialism
Charlotta Ruth
repetition, liveness, documentation, ludic structures, choreography, participation, collaboration
Charles Baumstark
composition, composition process, composition tools, composition technique
Historically Informed Performance Practice, Brahms, British Chamber Music
Vishwesh Mistry
spatial, narrative, Uncertainty and not knowing
Kamila Wolszczak
other than human, relational aesthetics, Artifacts, traces, speculative practice
Tobias Gaede
visual art