
Michael Kahr
jazz, Music history, music theory, popular music, artistic research
Aslaug Nyrnes
artistic research and rhetorics
Christian Doeller
error, interactive installation, agency, Noise, Human-machine-Interaction, digitalization, digitality, physical computing, sciart, transdiciplinarity, translation, transcriptions, Sculpture, DIGITAL IMAGING, prototyping, generative art
K Benedikte L Esperi
immersive theatre, public art, public realm, live art, embodied methodology, Choreography, performance, dance for screen, immersive performance, avant-garde, performance; re-enactment; landspace; site; environment;, videography, post-modern dance, improvisation and real-time composition, performance lecture, Lecture Performance, artistic research, feminism
Karen Schiff
Agnes Martin, Pablo Picasso (early career), artistic research, word and image, studio practice
Ramon Parramon
art, social space, Peripheral Spaces and Voices
Svein Petter Knudsen
technology, open source
Ella Raidel
Experimental Cinema, Contemporary Aesthetics, Contemporary Art, Interdisciplinary Research Urban Studies, East and Southeast Asian Cinema, Sinophone Cinema, Nonfiction Cinema, Documentary Film
Andrea Kristoffersen
school, design, study
Jorge Alvaro Manzano
women, artificial intelligence, cinema, cinematography, PHOTOGRAPHY