
Elisabeth Schäfer
deconstruction, Philosophy of the Body, Écriture féminine, Cixous, Derrida, Kristeva, Irigaray, Nancy, queer theory, Feminist Art, Feminist Philosophy, psychoanalysis, Butler, Freud, Laplanche, Theories of Embodiment, Theories of Subjectivation
Laura McGough
Media Art, Liveness, New Media
Camilla Eeg-Tverbakk
theatre, performance, Composed Theatre, Dramaturgy, documentary
Ricardo Atienza Badel
sonic ambiences, in situ experience, space design
Saskia de Wildt
arts-based research, ethnography, visual ethnography, environmental humanities, Politics of knowledge, critical discourse analysis, Global development studies, sustainability
Marko Mikael Marila
artistic research, Archaeology, philosophy, heritage, speculation
Katrin Ackerl Konstantin
performance, transdiciplinarity, theater, artistic research, psychology, queer theory, Gender studies
Marike Hoekstra
art education, pedagogy, arts-based research, art-based research, third space
Kateřina Maňáková
renaissance music, Renaissance Polyphony, Lute, intabulation, vihuela, voice
Joanna Warsza
Public sphere, politics, activism, performativity, curatorial, feminism, politics of memory, Eastern Europe
Helena Persson
sound art, sound art installations, site specific artwork, spatial art, sound composition, listening