
Julian Klein
artistic mode, practice and theory of playing, mise en musique, neuroaesthetics, emotionology, sonification, historical investigation
Jostein Gundersen
music, improvisation, historically informed performance, Historical Improvisation, recorder, contemporary music
Arja Karhumaa
typography, text art, artistic research, new materiality, publishing, artist books, book design, graphic design
Rinde Louise WIllemijn Yildiz
music, performance, psychiatry, psychoanalysis
Lisanne Fransen
production design, spatial design
Jakub Jan Ceglarz
Layers, art, queer theory, Foucault, performance; landscape; video; sound; installation, Golding, Palimpsest, continental philosophy
Peter Thomas
The essay and its relationship to visual art practices
Kristin Norderval
voice, voice and live electronics, composer as performer, opera, music technology, gestural controllers
Egle Oddo
performance, visual arts, vegetal biodiversity, installation, site responsive practices, Site-specific, photography
Efrosyni Tsiritaki
art, theater, architecture
Mari Flønes
dance, education, a/r/tography, performative research, New Materialism, community dance, Diffractive methodology, performative inquiry, bodily learning, expanded choreography
Alex Hawthorn
time, sound as material
Miranda Kistler
art, philosophy, sensory awarness, linguistics