
Siren Elise Wilhelmsen
Design research, materials, Textiles, consumer culture, community, ecology, Climate, wildness, speculative design, artistic research, sustainability, critical design, fictional speculations, nonhuman encounter, vegetal biodiversity, rhizome, Coexistence
Shane Finan
place, technology, interactive, Painting, transience, ephemeral, solastalgia, interactive installation, interactive art, digital art, Language
Helena Marinho
performance research
Ans Mertens
art, Film-making, audiovisual installation, Curatorial Studies
Britta Benno
artwork, artistic research, drawing, Printmaking, hybrid media, hybrid drawing, extended techniques, worlding, ruinenlust, posthuman, landscape depicting, dystopic art
Sergio Montero Bravo
artistic research, art, design, architecture, ecologies, rural encounters, education
Johannes Maria Schmit
Regie-Theater (Directors’ theater), Consent, Actor, Director, Postdramatic Theater // Transference, Regie-Theater, actor training, transference, psychoanalysis, consent
Elisa Rossholm
artistic research, Art history, graphic novel, drawing
Annabel Schouten
natural system
Ella Raidel
Experimental Cinema, Contemporary Aesthetics, Contemporary Art, Interdisciplinary Research Urban Studies, East and Southeast Asian Cinema, Sinophone Cinema, Nonfiction Cinema, Documentary Film
anders bohman
cinematography, filmmaking
Kateřina Maňáková
renaissance music, Renaissance Polyphony, Lute, intabulation, vihuela, voice
Filipa Cruz
art, artistic research, Sculpture, Poetic writing, Aesthetics and Theory of Arts, art and literature, Media Arts