
Remco Roes
artistic research, dialogue, visual essay, space
Neil Mulholland
paragogy, neomedievalism, nonmodern
Tor Einar Bekken
music, improvisation
James Wood
Literature, music, aesthetics, postcolonialism, Decolonizing methodologies, phenomenlogy
Veerle Van der Sluys
interaction design, interplay design&science, interplay design&technology
Kristin Norderval
voice, voice and live electronics, composer as performer, opera, music technology, gestural controllers
Thomas Pearce
performance, reconstruction, digital fabrication, 3D scanning, 3d digital modeling, historiography, Design research, architectural research, Architectural technology, design, speculative design, architecture
Marlies Surtmann
performance, archive, künstlerisch-performative Erschließung, public space, participatory arts, performance archive, artistic performative transmission strategies
Joana Braga
urban space, Spaces in between, space and body, time and space, performance; landscape; video; sound; installation
Maria Manuela Bronze da Rocha
Textiles, materiality, memory, costume design, theatre design
Camilla Carlsen
Design Thinking, Human-machine-Interaction, User Experience, User Interface, psychology
Karen Werner
radio art, transmission, installation, performance, socially engaged art, relationality, interference
Kamila Wolszczak
other than human, relational aesthetics, Artifacts, traces, speculative practice
Uddipana Das
narrative, Storytelling, choreography and performance, dance improvisation, artistic research