Torben Snekkestad
improvisation, embodiment, sampling, critical listening, instrument design, extended techniques, music technology, new materialisms, experimental music, diffractive methodology, phenomenology, listening practices, electroacoustic music
Stacey Sacks
presence, embodiment, representation, animation, theatre, Sculpture, drawing, intimacy, audiences, fragmented narratives, activism, whiteness, masking, clown, performance, performer
Einar Røttingen
Music Performance, performance practice, musical expression, relation composer - performer, contemporary music, 2oth century music, notation, performers analysis, articulation, sound production, metaphors
Daniel Hug
sound, sound studies, Sound Design, Design research, participatory design
Heidi Möller
artistic research, artistic processes, artwork, art
Alicia Champlin
bioacoustics, biosignal driven music, sound art, cybernetics, systems aesthetics, communication theory, ontology, Semiotics, live coding, max msp, installation, interactivity, frequency, resonance, EEG, BCI, Body-centered, agency, identity, Feedback
Francisca Skoogh
performance, western classical music, artistic research, psychology
Pedro Neto
Photography, documentary, architecture, artistic processes, archive, imaging
Marc Johnson
animal studies, archival imagination, archival film practice, critical archival studies, critical theory, colonial archives, European heritage, expressions of marginalized identities, film-makers in the archives, film studies, historical consciousness, historicity, historiography, oral history, photographic records, sampling, visual literacy, archival activism, archival amnesty, counter-narratives archives, contested narratives, contre-histoire, liberatory archives, reparative archive
Anke Zijlstra
dance, art education, audiences, embodiment, public space, artistic research, participatory spectatorship