
Tim Boykett
exploratory practices, futures, mathematics, participation, boating, open processes, facilitation, cargo, physical narration
Andrew Bracey
Fine Art, Contemporary Curatorial Practice, Artist as curator, Painting, Parasitic tendencies of contemporary artists, appropriation, looking, attention, art and archives
Renee Carmichael
dance, code, plague
Benedict Olk
dance, choreography and performance, agency, Authorship, postmodernism, formalism, re-enactment, reconstruction, technique, Practice-as-research, practice-based research, practice as research, practice based research, practice, Merce Cunningham, archive, dance technique
soundscape, sound art, programming for audio
Bilge Merve Aktaş
Design research, Craft, felt making, materiality, material agency, practice-led research, entanglements, Textiles
Stephen Edward Bottomley
Craft, jewellery, culture, innovation, practice-based research, materiality, heritage
Elsa Kosmack Vaara
time, artistic research, culinary arts, transdiciplinarity, prototyping, sustainability, participatory culture, participatory design
Roger Heaton
Contemporary art music performance
Johannes Scherzer
sound, space, scenography, communication
Darya Tsymbalyuk
plants, nonhuman, Displacement, repetition, multispecies, trace, migration
Ahmed Omer
music, sports, design
Yamil Hasbun Chavarría
Actor network theory, governmentality, Design research, materiality, material ontology, Semiotics, material semiotics
Nhi Phuong Do
music aesthetics
Sarah Bennett
archives, artistic research, site responsive practices, Fine Arts, affect, Higher education in the Arts
Liza Lim
Music Composition, ecology, time, Anthropocene
Estefanía Díaz Ramos
Soundart, Audiovisual, Cultural Studies, Sociology, creative writing, communication, community based art work
Jordan Rowe
museums, walking, identity, nationalism, urban space, rural futurism, blackness