
Zoe Panagiota (aka Betty) Nigianni
art, artistic research, politics, Art history, activism
Justy Phillips
Publishing as art practice, artistic research, Writing as artistic research, more-than-human
Susanne Valerie Granzer
Philosophy as Arts-Based Research, Philosophy As Arts-Based-Research, Acting, philosophy
Emma WIlliams
historically informed performance, 19th century, violin, voice
Vidmina Stasiulyte
experimental aesthetics, sound embodiment, fashion alternatives, boundary artefacts, inclusion
Eli-Kirstin Eide
Architecture, materiality, spatial design, universal design, senses
Matthias M Sildnik S
Generative systems, Conceptual art, installation
Helen Roberts
historically informed performance, musicology, Music pedagogy, digital and personal technologies
Gabriel Marques
design, technology, Internet
Fulya Uçanok
Response-able sounding practices with humans and more-than-humans, practices of material agency with instruments, accessibility without popularization, spaces of heterogeneous multivalences, and mechanisms of mediation, within the medium of electroacoustic music aesthetics, composition and performance practices.
Mari Koppanen
design, Design research, Bioart, furniture design, fashion design, fashion and textile art, textile design, Textiles, artistic research
Stefan Paulus
Subjektwissenschaft, non-photography, glatte und gekerbte Räume