
Lauren O'Neal
curation, pedagogy, experimentation, architecture, dance, museums, galleries, academia, artistic research, process, interdisciplinarity, choreographic thinking, open-endedness, poetics, co-imagining, installation, invisible research, curatorial dramaturgy
Kent G R Olofsson
Composition, Dramaturgy, Composed theatre, contemporary theatre, performing arts, electroacoustic music, Sound Spatialisation, scenography
Eleni-Ira Panourgia
Sculpture, sound, sound art, materials, Materials of sound, practice-based research, Practice-as-research, Performance art, Installation Art, interactive art, interdisciplinarity
Eric Souther
Code, toolmaking, new media art, New Materialism
Vidmina Stasiulyte
experimental aesthetics, sound embodiment, fashion alternatives, boundary artefacts, inclusion
Catherine McKinnon
narrative, Climate Change, collaboration, fragmented narratives, future, feminism, creative practice, creative ecologies, creative writing, creative process, violence, unreliable narratives, braided narratives
András Blazsek
Environment, Sculpture, sound art, soundscape, sound architecture, media archaeology, sonification
Helen Roberts
historically informed performance, musicology, Music pedagogy, digital and personal technologies
Helen Scarlett O'Neill
site-responsive, mixed reality, immersive, public space, audience, heritage, art in unexpected places, communities of becoming
teresa luzio
performance; walking; visuality; performance documentation
Maria Peres
ethnomusicology, music, feminism, art, ethics, epistemology, Heidegger, humanitarian response, heritage