
Cecilia Lagerström
performance with a focus on site-creating and site-critical activities, physical performance training connected to directing and dramaturgy, decolonial aspects on place and body, walking art, performative writing
Alex Nowitz
contemporary vocal performance art, voice, extended practice, improvisation and real-time composition, voice and live electronics, composition, composer-performer, politics of voice, philosophy of voice
Scott Andrew Elliott
Installation Art, interior and spatial practice, New Materialism
Matilde Meireles
Extended listening, Multi-sensoriality in sound, Physicality of the virtual, Participation and collaboration in Sound Art, Documentation as a creative tool, field recording, Interconnectivity
Ingolv Haaland
world music, popular musicology
Anders-Petter Andersson
music, interactive art, interactive sound and music, multi-sensory environments, Tangible Interaction, sensorial interaction, Media Arts, relational aesthetics, Health
Louise Walleneit
artwork, artistic research, art practice, art education, aesthetics, Body based art, bodytalk, body language, digital art, participatory arts, intervention, textile, McLuhan, bodyextension, Hartmut Rosa, Birgit Schneider, performance, Derrida, Franz Erhard Walter, Rebecca Horn, Mona Hatoum
Mafalda Deville
contemporary dance, Contemporary performance, choreography and performance, feminism, feminist art, vulnerability, Technology Innovation, audiences
Thomas Pearce
performance, reconstruction, digital fabrication, 3D scanning, 3d digital modeling, historiography, Design research, architectural research, Architectural technology, design, speculative design, architecture
Peter Wynne-Willson
Applied Theatre, Theatre-in-Education, Cross-cultural collaboration, multi-lingual theatre, Theatre for Young Audiences, Anglo-Korean Collaboration, Drama in Early Years, Sarah Kane
Fernanda Branco
performance; re-enactment; landspace; site; environment;, antropocene, posthumanism, soundscape, micro-phenomenology;, New Materialism
alternative art schools, alternative pedagogies, de-centring spaces, conceptualising frameworks for artistic research, sites of participation, performative research tools, deep mapping.
Léon Angel
materials, social media, sustainability, sustainable materials, video installation; performance; landscape; environment;, fashion practice research, fashion and textile art, fashion design