
Annette Arlander
artistic research, performance as research, performing with plants, moving image, video, landscape, environment, ecology, new materialism, performance art
Ami Skanberg
walking activism, Cixous, Japanese philosophy, Japanese dance, suriashi, artistic research, dance practice, movement research, performance lecture, nihon buyo
Cecilia Lagerström
performance with a focus on site-creating and site-critical activities, physical performance training connected to directing and dramaturgy, decolonial aspects on place and body, walking art, performative writing
Andrew Bracey
Fine Art, Contemporary Curatorial Practice, Artist as curator, Painting, Parasitic tendencies of contemporary artists, appropriation, looking, attention, art and archives
Einar Røttingen
Music Performance, performance practice, Performance Performativity, Chamber music, Harald Sæverud, musical expression
Olof Halldin
Artistic Research
Karin Ekberg
documentary, FILM
Klas G Dykhoff
Sound as a narrative tool
Despina Kapoulitsa
instant composition, dance choreography, open spaces, imaginary worlds
Liz Rech
movement, social movements, aktivism, affect, choreography and performance
Elena Cirkovic
more-than-human, more-than-human realms, space / place, earth processes, planetary boundaries, traditional art, sustainability, sustainable architecture, landscape, space, spaceflight, forest dynamics, animal ethics, darkness, day and night, daylight, Arctic art, arctic, Balkans, transdiciplinarity, Trauma; Memory;