
Joa Hug
experimental writing, unfinished thinking, embodied research, Body Weather, epistemology, methodology
Elisabeth Schäfer
deconstruction, Philosophy of the Body, Écriture féminine, Cixous, Derrida, Kristeva, Irigaray, Nancy, queer theory, Feminist Art, Feminist Philosophy, psychoanalysis, Butler, Freud, Laplanche, Theories of Embodiment, Theories of Subjectivation
Jackel Chow
FILM, narration, Directing, Storytelling, improvisation, virtual camera, visualisation, 3D animation, digital art
Federico Eisner Sagüés
Music, poetry, sound poetry, musicology, Sound Art Sound-Space
Theodore Teichman
embodiment, environmental art, environmental sound, environmental stewardship, environmental artistic research, environmental humanities, environmental ethics, ecology, eco-art, ecocriticism, ecopsychology, artistic research, landscape, landscape art, land-art, Landscape.Body, sound art, soundwalk, soundscape composition, soundscape, psychogeography, psychoacoustics, phenomenology, materiality, vibrant matter, material perception, material ontology, body extended, performance, site, Site-specific, place, Place and time, placemaking, time, time based media, time ecology, Film-making, photographic practice
Stefania Castelblanco Perez
Through practice and research, I investigate the relation between sustainability, material availability, traditional craft techniques and the role of collective, ecological and cultural resistance in craft processes
Ryan Evans
Participatory Art, Socially Engaged Art, Art for Social Change, Applied Arts, Community Art
Rania Ghazali
animation, motion design, illustration, visual art, drawing
Lars Kristian Røssell Takeuchi Kynde
Microtonality, Perception and Consciousness, synaesthesia, instrument design, Post-digital., composition, Music Notation, sense perception